I think Sherrill Sellman is perhaps the most outspoken right on the money woman out there today! This is a terrific article by her....
by Sherrill Sellman
• MENOPAUSE! Just hearing that word causes women to dive for cover. Does it really herald the end of all that women value about themselves...their attractiveness, their sexuality, their worth and their health?
• There exists a cultural virus that reinforces the belief a woman's worth and value is directly linked to her sexual attractiveness and youthfulness. Fortunately, we are now dispelling such debilitating myths that have surrounded menopause. Women are at long last awakening from the dark ages that have hidden the real power of women's wisdom.
• So first let's dispel a few of those myths. Eighty percent of women never experience menopause as a problem. In fact, the predominant body of knowledge that has been gathered about the symptoms and effects of menopause have been the result of medical science studying menopausal women who have had serious imbalances and difficulties. There has few if any studies about healthy women. According to Dr. Chris Northrup, author of Women Bodies, Women's Wisdom, no one has ever proven that lack of oestrogen automatically leads to heart disease or hardening of the arteries.
• Most medical texts will say that at menopause the ovaries fail. Another myth!! Actually the ovaries never stop functioning and provide hormones throughout a women's entire life! For many women, sexual energy is, in fact, increased or deepened offering a much richer and fulfilling sex life.
• Unbeknownst to most women, menopause is a most profound and significant rite of passage in one's life. Just as puberty heralded a transition form child to woman, so too does menopause represent another transformation into a greater feminine power and inner knowing.
• Indigenous cultures throughout the world have recognised that only at menopause do women truly come into their most sacred and profound wisdom.
• We may indeed have to live in this culture, but we do not need to be driven by it. During the menopausal time, women must take the time to find out who they are and then bring that truth into their lives and all they do. It is a time when powerful creative and mystical forces are released. This is the time to truly become yourself. It can't be denied any longer!
• Margaret Mead, the well known sociologist has said, "There is no more powerful force in the universe than a menopausal woman with zest!"
• The challenge of this initiation into power which is the real meaning of menopause, is to allow emotions truthful release and expression. For so many years, women have lived within the whirlwind of their desires, duties and responsibilities. Now it is time to go to the core of one's being that is beyond activity and desire.
• During this time all unfinished business within oneself surfaces to be attended to. What has often been perceived as menopausal outbursts in women, is really inner wisdom fighting for survival. Women begin to realise that their bodies are totally related to their emotions, mind and spirit and the way they have been living their lives.
• During menopause, women must take time for their inner lives. It is vital get to know themselves. It is a time to experience deep rest and rejuvenation. Women need to give priority to do what nourishes them. Retreats support the mid-life transformation by providing opportunities for solitude and inner attention.
• Solitude is essential during the menopausal years. Menopause is a woman's time to connect with and establish a relationship with her deeper self. Farida Sharan, author of Creative Menopause, says, " it is a time to gather strength for our elder years. the earlier we begin to take personal retreats, the more prepared we will be when our change of life begins."
• For all to long women have been kept in ignorance about themselves and their bodies. As women now reclaim a greater appreciation of who they really are, the gift of menopause will be valued as the transformation of a woman into her true wisdom and power. It is a time to celebrate, honour and encourage the emergence of the Wise Woman.
• About the author:
SHERRILL SELLMAN is a psychotherapist, lecturer, and Women's Health Educator. Sherrill writes for health magazines in over 12 different countries and presents public and corporate lectures and trainings in Australia, New Zealand, America, Canada, and England. Sherrill offers a Hormonal Balancing Coaching Program by phone consultation at (918) 437-1058. For further info visit www.ssellman.com or email golight@earthlink.net
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Monday, November 27, 2006
Cold & Flu Suggestions
from Dr. Nicole Garcia
Many of my patients come to see me after their viral infection (90% of colds and flu are viruses first) has become out of control with other side effects of a more serious nature. The suggestions below are for you to employ at the first sign of illness. These are simple, but effective if used within the first 24 hours of illness.
Because medicine has little to offer to benefit the viral arena, what I am about to tell you is from "God's pharmacy" and your kitchen.
Did you know that all citrus fruits; lemons, oranges, grapefruits, tangerines etc. have strong anti-viral qualities?
* At the first sign of cold or flu start taking 1,000 mgs. of vitamin C many times a day and drink lots of hot lemon water.
* Avoid all dairy during a cold as these foods create more mucus.
* EmerGenC packets, which can be found at Henry's or any health food store offer a simple way to carry that 1,000 mgs. of C in purse or pocket.
* Wash your hands frequently and those of your children.
* Several drops of lemon essential oil can be effective in as gentle hand soap for more anti-bacterial, anti-viral action.
Did you know that many therapeutic grade essential oils have powerful anti-viral and anti-bacterial qualities?
Cinnamon, Clove, Eucalyptus Radiata, Lavender, Melaleuca Alternifolia, Thyme, Oregano, and Lemon are antibiotic in nature, antiseptic, antiviral and antifungal.
A blend I highly recommend is one called "Thieves" because of its history during the 1500's and the black plague in Europe. In the British museum is the story of how grave robbers and looters during this time period wore masks and clothing covered with spices like cinnamon and clove, lemon and rosemary to avoid getting sick. When the authorities cornered these men and questioned them as to why they never got the plague they told of the spices they used. This blend of cinnamon, clove, lemon, rosemary and eucalyptus radiata called Thieves is available in lozenges, oral and hand spray, wipes, mouth wash, tooth paste and essential oil blend and household cleaner, safe for user and environment. Dilute essential oil blend and rub on the bottom of children's feet for protection.
Sore throat: Gargle with 1-2 drops of Thieves blend in 1 oz. of water or use spray
Cold sores: Apply lemon essential oil directly on cold sore. Lemon improves microcirculation, promotes white cell formation and improves immune function.
Chest congestion: Rub, steam, or diffuse essential oils of eucalyptus, lemon, and peppermint.
Dilute essential oils with a carrier oil (almond, grapeseed oil) for the young and old or sensitive.
Do NOT use peppermint on the face of children under 3 years of age.
Sinus congestion: Dilute eucalyptus and peppermint with carrier oil and apply liberally in nasal cavities and chest and back. R.C.
Headaches: Inhale peppermint, peppermint and peppermint oil and drink lots of water. Essential oil blend RC, a blend of 4 eucalyptus, myrtle, pine, spruce, marjoram, lavender, cypress and peppermint is my family's favorite for chest rubs. It is similar in smell to Vicks, but much more powerful as this is a pharmaceutical grade of oils.
* Use only the BEST AFNOR-ISO grade essential oils. Essential oil's from bath shops and natural foods stores are often perfume grade and thus may not yield therapeutic results. Perfume grade oils have been rendered toxic by the distillation method, fillers, chemical extractants, etc. and may cause adverse reactions.
Many of my patients come to see me after their viral infection (90% of colds and flu are viruses first) has become out of control with other side effects of a more serious nature. The suggestions below are for you to employ at the first sign of illness. These are simple, but effective if used within the first 24 hours of illness.
Because medicine has little to offer to benefit the viral arena, what I am about to tell you is from "God's pharmacy" and your kitchen.
Did you know that all citrus fruits; lemons, oranges, grapefruits, tangerines etc. have strong anti-viral qualities?
* At the first sign of cold or flu start taking 1,000 mgs. of vitamin C many times a day and drink lots of hot lemon water.
* Avoid all dairy during a cold as these foods create more mucus.
* EmerGenC packets, which can be found at Henry's or any health food store offer a simple way to carry that 1,000 mgs. of C in purse or pocket.
* Wash your hands frequently and those of your children.
* Several drops of lemon essential oil can be effective in as gentle hand soap for more anti-bacterial, anti-viral action.
Did you know that many therapeutic grade essential oils have powerful anti-viral and anti-bacterial qualities?
Cinnamon, Clove, Eucalyptus Radiata, Lavender, Melaleuca Alternifolia, Thyme, Oregano, and Lemon are antibiotic in nature, antiseptic, antiviral and antifungal.
A blend I highly recommend is one called "Thieves" because of its history during the 1500's and the black plague in Europe. In the British museum is the story of how grave robbers and looters during this time period wore masks and clothing covered with spices like cinnamon and clove, lemon and rosemary to avoid getting sick. When the authorities cornered these men and questioned them as to why they never got the plague they told of the spices they used. This blend of cinnamon, clove, lemon, rosemary and eucalyptus radiata called Thieves is available in lozenges, oral and hand spray, wipes, mouth wash, tooth paste and essential oil blend and household cleaner, safe for user and environment. Dilute essential oil blend and rub on the bottom of children's feet for protection.
Sore throat: Gargle with 1-2 drops of Thieves blend in 1 oz. of water or use spray
Cold sores: Apply lemon essential oil directly on cold sore. Lemon improves microcirculation, promotes white cell formation and improves immune function.
Chest congestion: Rub, steam, or diffuse essential oils of eucalyptus, lemon, and peppermint.
Dilute essential oils with a carrier oil (almond, grapeseed oil) for the young and old or sensitive.
Do NOT use peppermint on the face of children under 3 years of age.
Sinus congestion: Dilute eucalyptus and peppermint with carrier oil and apply liberally in nasal cavities and chest and back. R.C.
Headaches: Inhale peppermint, peppermint and peppermint oil and drink lots of water. Essential oil blend RC, a blend of 4 eucalyptus, myrtle, pine, spruce, marjoram, lavender, cypress and peppermint is my family's favorite for chest rubs. It is similar in smell to Vicks, but much more powerful as this is a pharmaceutical grade of oils.
* Use only the BEST AFNOR-ISO grade essential oils. Essential oil's from bath shops and natural foods stores are often perfume grade and thus may not yield therapeutic results. Perfume grade oils have been rendered toxic by the distillation method, fillers, chemical extractants, etc. and may cause adverse reactions.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Essential Oils & Dried Herbs
When herbs are grown for the purpose of creating supplements, they are not usually grown organically. Then they are harvested and taken into warehouses where they are dried with big blowers. Then they're chopped, capped, bottled, and packaged, and weeks, months, or even years later, we buy them and take them. And they STILL help us, but it usually takes awhile.
Have you ever dried a rose? What did it smell like after you dried it? Not much? That's because the essential oil of rose is very delicate and vaporizes easily into the air. Once it's dried, very little of the essential oil is still left. It's the same with herbs. Once an herb is dried, it only contains 3 - 5% of its essential oil, and it's the ESSENTIAL OIL that gets us well! And in the process of drying the herb, many molecules found in the essential oil of the plant are lost altogether because they are volitile oils and evaporate. So yes, dried herbs are very helpful, because that's what we've used for centuries in healing. But the truth is that essential oils are a QUANTUM LEAP from dried herbs, in my humble opinion. They're plant concentrates, and they're clean (of course the plants have to be grown organically), pure, and non-toxic (very few on the market are pure, organic & unadulterated).
A drop of peppermint oil is equivalent to about 28 cups of peppermint tea! A person simply could not drink that much tea to get the same results!
I have grown my own herbs for as long as I can remember, I've also purchased herbs for reputable organic sources, and I still use herbs today, I love them. However, depending upon the situation I would chose an essential oil over an herb. For example, as lovely as my herbs are I am going to chose my Young Living Frankincense or Sandlewood essential oils to lessen my wrinkles. Or if I'm coming down with a cold or flu, I'm reaching for my NingXia Red, Longevity capsules, and Thieves essential oil because they are far more potent choices.
If you were to walk into my kitchen right now, you would see I have over 100 different amber glass jars (all beautifully labeled with common and botanical names) filled with dried herbs. If you look in my essential oil case, you'll see I have over 100 different Young Living essential oils. Clearly I am BIG on healing plants, in dried and ditilled forms, for nearly everything in my life. I LOVE beneficial and healing plants.
Another interesting fact - It takes 5,000 pounds of rose petals to distill one pound of rose oil, making it one of the most expensive and precious essentail oils we have. If those rose petals were laden with chemicals and pesticides, the oil would actually be toxic, which will explain why, when you're at the mall, and you pass some stores claiming to have therapeutic aromatherapy, you get an instant headache. Your body knows.
So it's an honor for me to be a part of pioneering this exquisite modality with essential oils, and teaching people in such a way as to positively affect the health of future generations!
If you have questions please contact me through my website The Very Essence If you'd like to place an order online through my website click on "Create an Account."
Friday, November 17, 2006
Hurricanes, Earthquakes & Essential Oils
by David Stewart, PhD, DNM
Someone recently asked me about essential oils and earthquake preparation. They did not know how appropriate it was to address such a question to me. Before I was a Methodist Pastor, and before I became a full-time teacher and advocate of aromatherapy, I was an earthquake seismologist.
I was a professor and director of Seismological Observatories and Centers for Earthquake Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill for seven years and at Southeast Missouri State University at Cape Girardeau for five years. During those times I taught courses in environmental hazards, including floods, hurricanes, tornados, tsunamis, and earthquakes. During 1988, I was also the Executive Director of a government organization under the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) whose mission is to prepare the Midwest for a major earthquake.
I taught courses for FEMA on earthquake preparation for schools, hospitals, public utilities, law enforcement, firemen, and emergency management personnel, as well as seismic building design for engineers. Between 1990 and 1995 I published five books on earthquakes, can be purchased at www.carepublications.net
1. The Earthquake America Forgot (29.95) (2000 Temblors in Five Months and It Will Happen Again). This is a history of the most powerful sequence of earthquakes in American history. Between December1811 and May 1812 more than 2000 earthquakes struck the Mississippi River Valley near New Madrid, Missouri, causing the Mississippi to run backwards, creating a dozen new lakes, and completely obliterating five towns. Hundreds died, including several entire tribes of Native Americans. The largest of these seismic events measured 8.3, 8.6, and 8.8 on the Richter scale. These tremors were felt from Canada to Mexico, from the Rocky Mountains througthout the East Coast of America and as far south as Cuba. They did damage up to 800 miles from their epicenters. That's bigger than any quake that has hit California. This book contains all the fascinating people stories and drama of the tragedies and heroes of that cataclysmic natural disaster. It has been used as a basis for several novels and even one play.
2. The Earthquake that Never Went Away (19.95) (The Shaking Stopped in 1812, but the Impact Goes On) This book contains 150 photographs of the New Madrid Fault zone taken between 1988 and 1994 showing the permanent effects of the earthquakes that had struck almost 200 years prior in 1811-12. Sand boils, land fissures, surface faults, landslides, disrupted river channels, and earthquake lakes--all created by those earthquakes and all visible today. These features are still problems to the present time for highways, bridges, building construction, and agriculture. Some of the permanent quicksand features resulting from those earthquakes that lie under railroad tracks continue to cause train derailments today--almost two centuries after the shaking stopped.
3. The New Madrid Fault Finders Guide (16.95) This is a set of seven self-guided field trips into the New Madrid Fault Zone, that spans portions of Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Arkansas, and Tennessee. Upon completion of each of the seven trips, one can visit the New Madrid Historical Museum and receive signatures on a certificate for being a Certified Fault Finder. Upon completion of all seven trips, you become a TOAFF (Totally Awesome Fault Finder) and will have a certificate to prove it. The New Madrid Fault is still active, producing 200-300 small earthquakes a year, most only measured and not felt. If you drive Interstate Highway I-55 from Memphis, Tennessee, to Cape Girardeau, Missouri, you will be driving right over the fault, which is also called Earthquake Alley. Using this book, many earth science classes have toured the zone while families have come for an Earthquake Vacation and sightseeing trip throughout one of America's most geologically unique areas.
4. Damages and Losses from Future New Madrid Earthquakes (9.95) This book was written under contract from the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). It details the damages and casualties that will result from magnitude 6.0, 7.0, and 8.0 earthquakes when they happen again along the New Madrid Fault. A magnitude 7.0-7.6 earthquake in the Midwest would do damage over a 20-state area measuring in hundreds of billions of dollars and many fatalities. Such a quake has a 25% chance of happening in the next 15 years and a 50% chance in the next 50 years. A strong quake measuring 6.0-6.9 has a 50% chance in the next 15 years and a 90% chance during the next 50 years. This book is for earthquake planning in the Midwest by engineers, businesses, policemen, firemen, schools, municipal and country governments, hospitals, emergency management officials, National Guard units, and the public at large. It is the factual basis for premiums charge by insurance companies offering earthquake coverage. It is also the basis for earthquake zoning legislation and building codes in Midwestern states. While based on technical information, it is easily read, understood, and applied by anyone.
Besides Missouri, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee, Illinois, Indiana, and MIssissippi which are within the zone most threatened by the New Madrid Fault, the states considered most at risk from major earthquakes are California, Washington, Alaska, New York, and South Carolina. Except for British Columbia, Southern Ontario, and Southern Quebec, the rest of Canada is relatively free of significant earthquake risk.
So what does all of the above have to do with hurricanes and oils?
Preparation for earthquakes is similar to preparation for any major natural disaster, be they floods, hurricanes, tornados, tsunamis, and temblors. Although there are different things one would do to prepare and mitigate the potential effects from each of these types of hazards, when it comes to dealing with environmental disruptions, emotional trauma, injuries, and health issues following such events, it is pretty much all the same.
Major natural disasters disrupt normal infrastructure, which can be for extended periods of time. This includes our supplies of water, electricity, natural gas, and fuels such as gasoline. They also disrupt or destroy sanitation facilities and proper disposal of garbage and sewage, posing biohazards. Meanwhile, they can also temporarily interrupt one's access to hospitals and health care facilities while destroying our homes and dwellings, leaving us exposed to the elements and no place to live. Hazardous and toxic fluids and fumes can also be released during such events. Besides threats from nature, today we have additional threats in the form of terrorism, which can strike anywhere, any time.
As for oils, with these thoughts in mind, I keep the following on hand and ready to use. It is a good idea to keep them in a little Emergency Oils Kit set aside for such purposes:
. Purification (item # 3399) for disinfecting cuts and bites
. Lemon (item # 3578) for purifying water
. Lavender (item # 3575) for burns and abrasions
. Frankincense (item # 3548) for healing wounds
. Helichrysm (item # 3563) to stop bleeding
. Peppermint (item # 3614) for headaches and fatigue
. Panaway (item # 3390) for bruises and achy muscles
. Wintergreen (item # 3658) for sprains and cracked bones
. Lemongrass (item # 3581) for sprains and twisted joints
. RC (item # 3405) for the lungs in case toxic fumes were inhaled
. Sandalwood (item # 3634) to help get a good night's sleep
. Peace and Calming (item # 3393) for panic
. Valor (item # 3429) for overcoming fear with courage
. Trauma Life (item # 6350) for post-traumatic stress syndrome
. Along with Gratitude (item # 3346) and Joy (item # 3372) for surviving the disaster and still being alive and intact.
There are many other oils you could add to this list, go to The Very Essence to see the hundreds of therapeutic-grade essential oils I have available and contact me, Evelyn, if you have questions or need help making good choices.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The information in this post is not meant to diagnose, prescribe, or substitute for professional medical assistance. It is provided as information only for your better understanding of holistic health. In case of medical need, please consult an appropriate licensed professional.
Someone recently asked me about essential oils and earthquake preparation. They did not know how appropriate it was to address such a question to me. Before I was a Methodist Pastor, and before I became a full-time teacher and advocate of aromatherapy, I was an earthquake seismologist.
I was a professor and director of Seismological Observatories and Centers for Earthquake Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill for seven years and at Southeast Missouri State University at Cape Girardeau for five years. During those times I taught courses in environmental hazards, including floods, hurricanes, tornados, tsunamis, and earthquakes. During 1988, I was also the Executive Director of a government organization under the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) whose mission is to prepare the Midwest for a major earthquake.
I taught courses for FEMA on earthquake preparation for schools, hospitals, public utilities, law enforcement, firemen, and emergency management personnel, as well as seismic building design for engineers. Between 1990 and 1995 I published five books on earthquakes, can be purchased at www.carepublications.net
1. The Earthquake America Forgot (29.95) (2000 Temblors in Five Months and It Will Happen Again). This is a history of the most powerful sequence of earthquakes in American history. Between December1811 and May 1812 more than 2000 earthquakes struck the Mississippi River Valley near New Madrid, Missouri, causing the Mississippi to run backwards, creating a dozen new lakes, and completely obliterating five towns. Hundreds died, including several entire tribes of Native Americans. The largest of these seismic events measured 8.3, 8.6, and 8.8 on the Richter scale. These tremors were felt from Canada to Mexico, from the Rocky Mountains througthout the East Coast of America and as far south as Cuba. They did damage up to 800 miles from their epicenters. That's bigger than any quake that has hit California. This book contains all the fascinating people stories and drama of the tragedies and heroes of that cataclysmic natural disaster. It has been used as a basis for several novels and even one play.
2. The Earthquake that Never Went Away (19.95) (The Shaking Stopped in 1812, but the Impact Goes On) This book contains 150 photographs of the New Madrid Fault zone taken between 1988 and 1994 showing the permanent effects of the earthquakes that had struck almost 200 years prior in 1811-12. Sand boils, land fissures, surface faults, landslides, disrupted river channels, and earthquake lakes--all created by those earthquakes and all visible today. These features are still problems to the present time for highways, bridges, building construction, and agriculture. Some of the permanent quicksand features resulting from those earthquakes that lie under railroad tracks continue to cause train derailments today--almost two centuries after the shaking stopped.
3. The New Madrid Fault Finders Guide (16.95) This is a set of seven self-guided field trips into the New Madrid Fault Zone, that spans portions of Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Arkansas, and Tennessee. Upon completion of each of the seven trips, one can visit the New Madrid Historical Museum and receive signatures on a certificate for being a Certified Fault Finder. Upon completion of all seven trips, you become a TOAFF (Totally Awesome Fault Finder) and will have a certificate to prove it. The New Madrid Fault is still active, producing 200-300 small earthquakes a year, most only measured and not felt. If you drive Interstate Highway I-55 from Memphis, Tennessee, to Cape Girardeau, Missouri, you will be driving right over the fault, which is also called Earthquake Alley. Using this book, many earth science classes have toured the zone while families have come for an Earthquake Vacation and sightseeing trip throughout one of America's most geologically unique areas.
4. Damages and Losses from Future New Madrid Earthquakes (9.95) This book was written under contract from the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). It details the damages and casualties that will result from magnitude 6.0, 7.0, and 8.0 earthquakes when they happen again along the New Madrid Fault. A magnitude 7.0-7.6 earthquake in the Midwest would do damage over a 20-state area measuring in hundreds of billions of dollars and many fatalities. Such a quake has a 25% chance of happening in the next 15 years and a 50% chance in the next 50 years. A strong quake measuring 6.0-6.9 has a 50% chance in the next 15 years and a 90% chance during the next 50 years. This book is for earthquake planning in the Midwest by engineers, businesses, policemen, firemen, schools, municipal and country governments, hospitals, emergency management officials, National Guard units, and the public at large. It is the factual basis for premiums charge by insurance companies offering earthquake coverage. It is also the basis for earthquake zoning legislation and building codes in Midwestern states. While based on technical information, it is easily read, understood, and applied by anyone.
Besides Missouri, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee, Illinois, Indiana, and MIssissippi which are within the zone most threatened by the New Madrid Fault, the states considered most at risk from major earthquakes are California, Washington, Alaska, New York, and South Carolina. Except for British Columbia, Southern Ontario, and Southern Quebec, the rest of Canada is relatively free of significant earthquake risk.
So what does all of the above have to do with hurricanes and oils?
Preparation for earthquakes is similar to preparation for any major natural disaster, be they floods, hurricanes, tornados, tsunamis, and temblors. Although there are different things one would do to prepare and mitigate the potential effects from each of these types of hazards, when it comes to dealing with environmental disruptions, emotional trauma, injuries, and health issues following such events, it is pretty much all the same.
Major natural disasters disrupt normal infrastructure, which can be for extended periods of time. This includes our supplies of water, electricity, natural gas, and fuels such as gasoline. They also disrupt or destroy sanitation facilities and proper disposal of garbage and sewage, posing biohazards. Meanwhile, they can also temporarily interrupt one's access to hospitals and health care facilities while destroying our homes and dwellings, leaving us exposed to the elements and no place to live. Hazardous and toxic fluids and fumes can also be released during such events. Besides threats from nature, today we have additional threats in the form of terrorism, which can strike anywhere, any time.
As for oils, with these thoughts in mind, I keep the following on hand and ready to use. It is a good idea to keep them in a little Emergency Oils Kit set aside for such purposes:
. Purification (item # 3399) for disinfecting cuts and bites
. Lemon (item # 3578) for purifying water
. Lavender (item # 3575) for burns and abrasions
. Frankincense (item # 3548) for healing wounds
. Helichrysm (item # 3563) to stop bleeding
. Peppermint (item # 3614) for headaches and fatigue
. Panaway (item # 3390) for bruises and achy muscles
. Wintergreen (item # 3658) for sprains and cracked bones
. Lemongrass (item # 3581) for sprains and twisted joints
. RC (item # 3405) for the lungs in case toxic fumes were inhaled
. Sandalwood (item # 3634) to help get a good night's sleep
. Peace and Calming (item # 3393) for panic
. Valor (item # 3429) for overcoming fear with courage
. Trauma Life (item # 6350) for post-traumatic stress syndrome
. Along with Gratitude (item # 3346) and Joy (item # 3372) for surviving the disaster and still being alive and intact.
There are many other oils you could add to this list, go to The Very Essence to see the hundreds of therapeutic-grade essential oils I have available and contact me, Evelyn, if you have questions or need help making good choices.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The information in this post is not meant to diagnose, prescribe, or substitute for professional medical assistance. It is provided as information only for your better understanding of holistic health. In case of medical need, please consult an appropriate licensed professional.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Is There Really "Therapy" in Aromatherapy?
By Frances Fuller, BS, LMT, CHTP, Reiki Master
Have you ever wondered just how essential oils work – if, in fact, they do work on any level other than “smelling good”? The therapeutic value of any essential oil is directly related to a number of factors from the manner in which the plants are grown all the way up to the handling of the finished product.
The highest quality plants are grown organically on land which has never been sprayed with pesticides and on which chemical fertilizers have not been used. This land is far away from factories and major highways where pollution can damage the delicate healing properties locked deep within each tender young leaf, flower, stem, and root. Even the water used for irrigation is extremely important as chemicals – and often drugs – which are in municipal water supplies affect the plants adversely, reducing their healing capabilities. Wouldn’t it be far better for them to be watered with pure mountain-stream water far from the toxins of the cities?
Once the plants have been nurtured and allowed to grow to maturity naturally, it is quite important that care be taken in the harvesting and extraction, which is most commonly accomplished through steam distillation. As soon as a plant is cut, it begins to lose potency. Therefore, it is essential that the distillery be located close to the farm in order for the time between the actual harvesting and the distillation to be minimized. Next comes the process of unlocking the natural healing compounds held within the carefully-grown plants – the precious drops of essential oil. This golden liquid has often been called the “life force” or “blood” of the plant. Much like the blood of the human body, essential oils deliver oxygen and nutrients to all parts of the plant. In addition, they have the capability of fighting bacteria, viruses, and other destructive things that could injure the plant. When the leaf of stem of a plant is cut or torn, it is the essential oil that rushes to the site of the “wound” to repair the damage just as human blood responds to cuts or injuries. Amazingly, even the major chemical components are the same as those of human blood – carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. This is why the pure oils are so compatible with the human body.
The proper extraction, or distillation, of the essential oils from the plants is a time-consuming and precise process if all of the delicate chemical constituents are to be retained in the finished product. For instance, cypress twigs require 24 hours of distillation at 130 degrees centigrade and only 5 pounds of pressure in order to produce a quality essential oil. If the time is reduced by just 2 hours, the resulting oil will be missing 18 of the constituents that should be present in therapeutic-grade cypress!
You may be wondering, “What would happen if the temperature and/or pressure were increased? Couldn’t the oils be produced more rapidly?” The oils would still smell the same, but the therapeutic value would be dramatically reduced. Unfortunately, this is one of the ways that inferior oils are produced as the shorter distillation time lowers the cost involved – and it is impossible to detect this adjustment by the aroma. Often, the same plants are even distilled several times, and then synthetic fragrance is added! Can synthetic oils be as effective as natural ones which are carefully grown and properly distilled at low temperature and pressure for the full length of time? The answer is quite simple when one understands how the oils work.
Whereas pharmaceutical drugs are designed to treat symptoms, pure and natural essential oils work to achieve balance within the body. This is known as "homeostasis”. Our bodies desire to be in balance, but we often do many things to disrupt that natural balance. For instance, we eat chemically altered food, breathe polluted air, and slather products filled with harmful chemicals on our bodies. When we introduce a pure, therapeutic-grade essential oil such as lavender, which has hundreds of chemical constituents, it is like offering the body a giant buffet of healing substances. The body is able to select whatever it needs to achieve homeostasis and eliminate whatever it does not need at that time. Synthetic lavender, by contrast, has only 8-10 chemical constituents, which does not offer the body a significant healing opportunity.
You may be wondering now, “even if all this is true, how can I access these healing properties?” The molecules of the essential oils are very small – so small, in fact, that they are able to penetrate the skin quite easily.Almost all essential oils are absorbed into the skin within 2 minutes – and many absorb within seconds! They are then ready to begin their task of oxygenating the cells of the body and returning it to a state of homeostasis through offering the many chemical constituents which can potentially assist in achieving this balance. In addition, the oils are volatile, which means that they naturally diffuse into the air that we breathe. As the tiny molecules are inhaled, they stimulate the limbic system. This is the part of the body related to emotions. When one inhales the aroma, it is actually the tiny molecules of the essential oils entering the body, and one is able to positively affect emotional balance as well as balance upon the physical level.
Years ago scientists discovered that every living thing has a frequency which can be measured. The unit of measurement is called megahertz (mHz). Studies at many universities in Europe and the USA found the following range of frequencies for certain foods and even for the hu8man body both in a healthy state and when illness disease is present.
It was established that the frequency of a healthy human is 62-68mHz.
Human Brain....................72-90 mHz
Healthy Human Body........62-68 mHz
Cold Symptoms................58 mHz
Flu Symptoms...................57 mHz
Candida............................55 mHz
Epstein Barr......................52 mHz
Cancer..............................42 mHz
Death Begins.....................25 mHz
The following range of frequencies was also established:
Processed Canned Food.....0 mHz
Fresh Produce....................0-15 mHz
Dry Herbs..........................12-22 mHz
Fresh Herbs.......................20-27 mHz
Therapeutic-grade Essential Oils......52-320 mHz
What does all this have to do with how essential oils can positively affect your health and your life? It is a principle of physics that when two objects which have different frequencies are placed in close proximity to one another, the one with the lower frequency will shift upward. Further studies have indicated that pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils have the ability to raise the frequency of the human body. Thus, the introduction of these tiny droplets either through inhalation or absorption through the skin can even raise the frequency of the body above that of illness or disease! This is an amazing property for assisting everyone in achieving optimum health. These tiny gifts from Nature are truly some of the most powerful healing substances known today!
Can you tell if an essential oil is “therapeutic-grade” or even “pure” by the smell? Sometimes, it is possible, but certainly not always. Occasionally, you may be able to detect certain solvents which are commonly used in extracting inferior oils and/or to boost the volume inexpensively. However, more often than not, it is not possible to detect the quality of the oil by the aroma. As the public is more educated, more sophisticated methods of camouflaging the quality are employed, but there are certain guidelines that will assist you in your selection. Oils which have the AFNOR standard on the label have passed the strictest tests. This is the Association of French Normalization Organization Regulation. You can feel confident about both the purity and the therapeutic value of any oil which has earned this designation. Are there other pure, therapeutic-grade oils available? Absolutely, but it could be difficult to determine the quality without the use of gas chromatography – the intricate laboratory analysis. However, you may choose to ask the supplier the following questions which can assist you in deciding whether the oil is of a suitable quality for your needs.
- Are the fragrances subtle, rich, organic, and delicate?
- Do the fragrances of your oils vary from batch to batch – an indication that they are pure and painstakingly distilled in small batches rather than industrially processed on a large scale?
- Does your supplier send each batch of essential oils it receives through up to five different chemical analyses before it is released?
- Are these tests performed by independent labs?
- Does your supplier grow and distill its own organically grown herbs?
- Are the distillation facilities part of the farm where the herbs are grown so they are freshly distilled, maintaining their potency?
- Does your supplier use low pressure and low temperature to distill the essential oils, preserving all of their delicate chemical constituents?
- Are the distillation cookers fabricated from costly stainless steel alloys to reduce the likelihood of the oils chemically reacting with the metal?
- Does your supplier have representatives traveling worldwide to personally inspect the fields and distilleries where the herbs are grown and distilled?
- Do they scrutinize the facilities to check that no synthetic chemicals are being used in any of these processes?
If your answer to ALL of these questions is “yes”, you can feel confident that your oils are therapeutic grade – the highest standard available.
Are you now thinking, “Can I afford to use pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils?” Perhaps a better question might be, “Can you afford NOT to use pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils?” To see my complete line of essential oils go to The Very Essence, contact me if you have questions. You can place an order directly by contacting me or online by clicking on "Create an Account."
Frances Fuller recently relocated to Singapore from Palm Beach, Florida, bringing her vast experience in the world of wellness and healing with her. Trained in most spa services and modalities, Frances holds regular classes in Singapore on aromatherapy, specialized massage techniques, meditation and cellular level healing. She is a nationally certified massage therapist and instructor in the US and holds training classes throughout Asia.
Have you ever wondered just how essential oils work – if, in fact, they do work on any level other than “smelling good”? The therapeutic value of any essential oil is directly related to a number of factors from the manner in which the plants are grown all the way up to the handling of the finished product.
The highest quality plants are grown organically on land which has never been sprayed with pesticides and on which chemical fertilizers have not been used. This land is far away from factories and major highways where pollution can damage the delicate healing properties locked deep within each tender young leaf, flower, stem, and root. Even the water used for irrigation is extremely important as chemicals – and often drugs – which are in municipal water supplies affect the plants adversely, reducing their healing capabilities. Wouldn’t it be far better for them to be watered with pure mountain-stream water far from the toxins of the cities?
Once the plants have been nurtured and allowed to grow to maturity naturally, it is quite important that care be taken in the harvesting and extraction, which is most commonly accomplished through steam distillation. As soon as a plant is cut, it begins to lose potency. Therefore, it is essential that the distillery be located close to the farm in order for the time between the actual harvesting and the distillation to be minimized. Next comes the process of unlocking the natural healing compounds held within the carefully-grown plants – the precious drops of essential oil. This golden liquid has often been called the “life force” or “blood” of the plant. Much like the blood of the human body, essential oils deliver oxygen and nutrients to all parts of the plant. In addition, they have the capability of fighting bacteria, viruses, and other destructive things that could injure the plant. When the leaf of stem of a plant is cut or torn, it is the essential oil that rushes to the site of the “wound” to repair the damage just as human blood responds to cuts or injuries. Amazingly, even the major chemical components are the same as those of human blood – carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. This is why the pure oils are so compatible with the human body.
The proper extraction, or distillation, of the essential oils from the plants is a time-consuming and precise process if all of the delicate chemical constituents are to be retained in the finished product. For instance, cypress twigs require 24 hours of distillation at 130 degrees centigrade and only 5 pounds of pressure in order to produce a quality essential oil. If the time is reduced by just 2 hours, the resulting oil will be missing 18 of the constituents that should be present in therapeutic-grade cypress!
You may be wondering, “What would happen if the temperature and/or pressure were increased? Couldn’t the oils be produced more rapidly?” The oils would still smell the same, but the therapeutic value would be dramatically reduced. Unfortunately, this is one of the ways that inferior oils are produced as the shorter distillation time lowers the cost involved – and it is impossible to detect this adjustment by the aroma. Often, the same plants are even distilled several times, and then synthetic fragrance is added! Can synthetic oils be as effective as natural ones which are carefully grown and properly distilled at low temperature and pressure for the full length of time? The answer is quite simple when one understands how the oils work.
Whereas pharmaceutical drugs are designed to treat symptoms, pure and natural essential oils work to achieve balance within the body. This is known as "homeostasis”. Our bodies desire to be in balance, but we often do many things to disrupt that natural balance. For instance, we eat chemically altered food, breathe polluted air, and slather products filled with harmful chemicals on our bodies. When we introduce a pure, therapeutic-grade essential oil such as lavender, which has hundreds of chemical constituents, it is like offering the body a giant buffet of healing substances. The body is able to select whatever it needs to achieve homeostasis and eliminate whatever it does not need at that time. Synthetic lavender, by contrast, has only 8-10 chemical constituents, which does not offer the body a significant healing opportunity.
You may be wondering now, “even if all this is true, how can I access these healing properties?” The molecules of the essential oils are very small – so small, in fact, that they are able to penetrate the skin quite easily.Almost all essential oils are absorbed into the skin within 2 minutes – and many absorb within seconds! They are then ready to begin their task of oxygenating the cells of the body and returning it to a state of homeostasis through offering the many chemical constituents which can potentially assist in achieving this balance. In addition, the oils are volatile, which means that they naturally diffuse into the air that we breathe. As the tiny molecules are inhaled, they stimulate the limbic system. This is the part of the body related to emotions. When one inhales the aroma, it is actually the tiny molecules of the essential oils entering the body, and one is able to positively affect emotional balance as well as balance upon the physical level.
Years ago scientists discovered that every living thing has a frequency which can be measured. The unit of measurement is called megahertz (mHz). Studies at many universities in Europe and the USA found the following range of frequencies for certain foods and even for the hu8man body both in a healthy state and when illness disease is present.
It was established that the frequency of a healthy human is 62-68mHz.
Human Brain....................72-90 mHz
Healthy Human Body........62-68 mHz
Cold Symptoms................58 mHz
Flu Symptoms...................57 mHz
Candida............................55 mHz
Epstein Barr......................52 mHz
Cancer..............................42 mHz
Death Begins.....................25 mHz
The following range of frequencies was also established:
Processed Canned Food.....0 mHz
Fresh Produce....................0-15 mHz
Dry Herbs..........................12-22 mHz
Fresh Herbs.......................20-27 mHz
Therapeutic-grade Essential Oils......52-320 mHz
What does all this have to do with how essential oils can positively affect your health and your life? It is a principle of physics that when two objects which have different frequencies are placed in close proximity to one another, the one with the lower frequency will shift upward. Further studies have indicated that pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils have the ability to raise the frequency of the human body. Thus, the introduction of these tiny droplets either through inhalation or absorption through the skin can even raise the frequency of the body above that of illness or disease! This is an amazing property for assisting everyone in achieving optimum health. These tiny gifts from Nature are truly some of the most powerful healing substances known today!
Can you tell if an essential oil is “therapeutic-grade” or even “pure” by the smell? Sometimes, it is possible, but certainly not always. Occasionally, you may be able to detect certain solvents which are commonly used in extracting inferior oils and/or to boost the volume inexpensively. However, more often than not, it is not possible to detect the quality of the oil by the aroma. As the public is more educated, more sophisticated methods of camouflaging the quality are employed, but there are certain guidelines that will assist you in your selection. Oils which have the AFNOR standard on the label have passed the strictest tests. This is the Association of French Normalization Organization Regulation. You can feel confident about both the purity and the therapeutic value of any oil which has earned this designation. Are there other pure, therapeutic-grade oils available? Absolutely, but it could be difficult to determine the quality without the use of gas chromatography – the intricate laboratory analysis. However, you may choose to ask the supplier the following questions which can assist you in deciding whether the oil is of a suitable quality for your needs.
- Are the fragrances subtle, rich, organic, and delicate?
- Do the fragrances of your oils vary from batch to batch – an indication that they are pure and painstakingly distilled in small batches rather than industrially processed on a large scale?
- Does your supplier send each batch of essential oils it receives through up to five different chemical analyses before it is released?
- Are these tests performed by independent labs?
- Does your supplier grow and distill its own organically grown herbs?
- Are the distillation facilities part of the farm where the herbs are grown so they are freshly distilled, maintaining their potency?
- Does your supplier use low pressure and low temperature to distill the essential oils, preserving all of their delicate chemical constituents?
- Are the distillation cookers fabricated from costly stainless steel alloys to reduce the likelihood of the oils chemically reacting with the metal?
- Does your supplier have representatives traveling worldwide to personally inspect the fields and distilleries where the herbs are grown and distilled?
- Do they scrutinize the facilities to check that no synthetic chemicals are being used in any of these processes?
If your answer to ALL of these questions is “yes”, you can feel confident that your oils are therapeutic grade – the highest standard available.
Are you now thinking, “Can I afford to use pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils?” Perhaps a better question might be, “Can you afford NOT to use pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils?” To see my complete line of essential oils go to The Very Essence, contact me if you have questions. You can place an order directly by contacting me or online by clicking on "Create an Account."
Frances Fuller recently relocated to Singapore from Palm Beach, Florida, bringing her vast experience in the world of wellness and healing with her. Trained in most spa services and modalities, Frances holds regular classes in Singapore on aromatherapy, specialized massage techniques, meditation and cellular level healing. She is a nationally certified massage therapist and instructor in the US and holds training classes throughout Asia.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Mark Your Calenders and...
Date: November 21st 2006
Time: 6:30pm - 9:00pm
Place: Edmonds Conference Center 201 - 4th Ave. Edmonds, WA
Join us and other top Young Living Distributors, for an amazing evening as we kick-off our Northwest regional event.
Here's what you'll learn: an introduction to our newest essential oil Palo Santo, cleansing & core nutrition, and how our line of over 300 non-toxic products has produced life-changing results in health and wellness, Q & A, and more!
Refreshments, samples and door prizes too.
Begin your New Year
Exploring the Dream and Experience the Freedom of Owning Your Life!
The cost is FREE to all who are not currently a Young Living distributor.
If you are already a distributor the cost is $10, join us and bring a guest for free!
Everybody is welcome!
R.S.V.P. - so we can be sure to have plenty of everything!
We look forward to meeting and helping you to Own Your Life!
Evelyn Vincent and Curt Siters
Date: November 21st 2006
Time: 6:30pm - 9:00pm
Place: Edmonds Conference Center 201 - 4th Ave. Edmonds, WA
Join us and other top Young Living Distributors, for an amazing evening as we kick-off our Northwest regional event.
Here's what you'll learn: an introduction to our newest essential oil Palo Santo, cleansing & core nutrition, and how our line of over 300 non-toxic products has produced life-changing results in health and wellness, Q & A, and more!
Refreshments, samples and door prizes too.
Begin your New Year
Exploring the Dream and Experience the Freedom of Owning Your Life!
The cost is FREE to all who are not currently a Young Living distributor.
If you are already a distributor the cost is $10, join us and bring a guest for free!
Everybody is welcome!
R.S.V.P. - so we can be sure to have plenty of everything!
We look forward to meeting and helping you to Own Your Life!
Evelyn Vincent and Curt Siters
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Young Living's Community Involvement & Commitment
OUR COMMITMENT with genuine sympathy and a commitment to enhance the quality of life for all, Young Living eagerly and generously contributes to many causes. We have helped in some of the major disasters of our time, as well as provided a helping hand every day in the community in which we live.
KATRINA RELIEF When Hurricane Katrina made landfall on August 29, 2005, it set off one of the worst national disasters in the history of the United States. After viewing images and reading accounts of loss experienced by those who survived the natural disaster, we at Young Living were touched by the suffering of so many and could not idly stand by.
Joyce Cothern, a distributor who lives in one of the areas that was hit by the storm, sent this message of hope to Young Living’s corporate headquarters: “I have been using the oils consistently on my family during the storm and its aftermath for all sorts of injuries and emotions. At one point in the storm, I mixed a blend of essential oils to use on a lady who was oxygen deprived, and it helped her until she was able to get to a hospital. The severity of this storm was unbelievable, and it will take a long time for this area to recover, but we are doing a little better each day. I share the oils with all who are willing to use them, and I know that many are being blessed by the oils.”
While the danger and heartache lingered all around the southern United States, many individuals desired to extend help and comfort. Katie Land, Turner Bourne, and Emily Laurel, all Young Living distributors, requested and received donations from Young Living for use in the recovery efforts at the Cajun Dome in Lafayette. While there, they taught and worked with medical and support staff, natural healing practitioners, and massage therapists in using Young Living essential oils to help Katrina evacuees. “Virtually everyone who found their way to us remarked on the beautiful aromas wafting from our room, as well as the gentle, caring touch of the volunteers. We will never forget the sights, sounds, and smells of our Katrina experience,” Emily said. This was just one of the many people and organizations Young Living provided oils to for hurricane relief.
Back at the corporate office in Lehi, Utah, employees rallied together to create hygiene kits for the survivors of the disaster. The kits included basic necessities such as Young Living bar soap, towels, toothbrushes, toothpaste, and combs.
TSUNAMI AID When we at Young Living learned about the devastation caused by the December 26, 2004, earthquake and resulting tsunami, we responded immediately. It was quickly decided that a portion of our sales during early 2005 would be donated to relief organizations. We also gave oils to distributors who were traveling to these distant countries to provide aid.
Young Living distributor Dr. Carolyn DeMarco went to a small clinic in Aceh, a territory of Indonesia. She used Young Living essential oils to assist in the healing of emotional and physical traumas. The Acehnese people were very receptive to her holistic ways of healing. “For those who had trouble sleeping, the essential oils had a near miraculous effect. People gravitated to them, sighed with relief, and came back and asked for more. We used single oils like lavender and brilliant combination oils like Peace & Calming®, Hope™, Sacred Mountain™, 3 Wise Men™, and Joy™,” Dr. DeMarco wrote in her journal. When she came back and reported on her successful experiences, Young Living donated more essential oils to be used to help relieve more victims of the tsunami.
OTHER SERVICES Young Living actively participates in many other projects and programs around the world.
In November of 2003, Young Living Founder and President D. Gary Young led a team of Young Living corporate leaders and distributors on a weeklong humanitarian expedition to the Tarahumara Indians in the mountains of Mexico. The expedition provided the village with food, school kits, building materials for a small school house, and a new well. We continue to donate to these strong, humble people.
The terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, affected all Americans and left the whole world shocked. Young Living’s donations of essential oils assisted in the rescue efforts, as grateful firefighters used the oils on their masks while they worked amidst the rubble and smoke.
COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT Young Living employees contribute to their communities in numerous ways. Individual employees provide personal time to a wide variety of community needs, from blood drives to scout service projects to humanitarian aid, as well as contribute monetarily to religious and charitable organizations. Young Living’s employees actively participate in a United Way campaign and are sponsors of the Oakridge School, a school for the disabled. During the holiday season, employees have participated in local Sub for Santa programs where they adopt a child or family and provide toys, clothing, and other necessities that they would not otherwise be able to afford.
As Young Living continues to expand and bring greater health and prosperity to others, we will continue to look for ways to help those in need. We encourage, hope for, and expect the same from everyone associated with Young Living Essential Oils.
If you're interested in becoming a part of our terrific group and Young Living Family come by my website, take a look around, and conatct me:
The Very Essence
KATRINA RELIEF When Hurricane Katrina made landfall on August 29, 2005, it set off one of the worst national disasters in the history of the United States. After viewing images and reading accounts of loss experienced by those who survived the natural disaster, we at Young Living were touched by the suffering of so many and could not idly stand by.
Joyce Cothern, a distributor who lives in one of the areas that was hit by the storm, sent this message of hope to Young Living’s corporate headquarters: “I have been using the oils consistently on my family during the storm and its aftermath for all sorts of injuries and emotions. At one point in the storm, I mixed a blend of essential oils to use on a lady who was oxygen deprived, and it helped her until she was able to get to a hospital. The severity of this storm was unbelievable, and it will take a long time for this area to recover, but we are doing a little better each day. I share the oils with all who are willing to use them, and I know that many are being blessed by the oils.”
While the danger and heartache lingered all around the southern United States, many individuals desired to extend help and comfort. Katie Land, Turner Bourne, and Emily Laurel, all Young Living distributors, requested and received donations from Young Living for use in the recovery efforts at the Cajun Dome in Lafayette. While there, they taught and worked with medical and support staff, natural healing practitioners, and massage therapists in using Young Living essential oils to help Katrina evacuees. “Virtually everyone who found their way to us remarked on the beautiful aromas wafting from our room, as well as the gentle, caring touch of the volunteers. We will never forget the sights, sounds, and smells of our Katrina experience,” Emily said. This was just one of the many people and organizations Young Living provided oils to for hurricane relief.
Back at the corporate office in Lehi, Utah, employees rallied together to create hygiene kits for the survivors of the disaster. The kits included basic necessities such as Young Living bar soap, towels, toothbrushes, toothpaste, and combs.
TSUNAMI AID When we at Young Living learned about the devastation caused by the December 26, 2004, earthquake and resulting tsunami, we responded immediately. It was quickly decided that a portion of our sales during early 2005 would be donated to relief organizations. We also gave oils to distributors who were traveling to these distant countries to provide aid.
Young Living distributor Dr. Carolyn DeMarco went to a small clinic in Aceh, a territory of Indonesia. She used Young Living essential oils to assist in the healing of emotional and physical traumas. The Acehnese people were very receptive to her holistic ways of healing. “For those who had trouble sleeping, the essential oils had a near miraculous effect. People gravitated to them, sighed with relief, and came back and asked for more. We used single oils like lavender and brilliant combination oils like Peace & Calming®, Hope™, Sacred Mountain™, 3 Wise Men™, and Joy™,” Dr. DeMarco wrote in her journal. When she came back and reported on her successful experiences, Young Living donated more essential oils to be used to help relieve more victims of the tsunami.
OTHER SERVICES Young Living actively participates in many other projects and programs around the world.
In November of 2003, Young Living Founder and President D. Gary Young led a team of Young Living corporate leaders and distributors on a weeklong humanitarian expedition to the Tarahumara Indians in the mountains of Mexico. The expedition provided the village with food, school kits, building materials for a small school house, and a new well. We continue to donate to these strong, humble people.
The terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, affected all Americans and left the whole world shocked. Young Living’s donations of essential oils assisted in the rescue efforts, as grateful firefighters used the oils on their masks while they worked amidst the rubble and smoke.
COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT Young Living employees contribute to their communities in numerous ways. Individual employees provide personal time to a wide variety of community needs, from blood drives to scout service projects to humanitarian aid, as well as contribute monetarily to religious and charitable organizations. Young Living’s employees actively participate in a United Way campaign and are sponsors of the Oakridge School, a school for the disabled. During the holiday season, employees have participated in local Sub for Santa programs where they adopt a child or family and provide toys, clothing, and other necessities that they would not otherwise be able to afford.
As Young Living continues to expand and bring greater health and prosperity to others, we will continue to look for ways to help those in need. We encourage, hope for, and expect the same from everyone associated with Young Living Essential Oils.
If you're interested in becoming a part of our terrific group and Young Living Family come by my website, take a look around, and conatct me:
The Very Essence
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