Sunday, September 24, 2006

Are Your Air Fresheners Killing You?


Who would have thought that air fresheners could be harmful? In a major longitudinal study, frequent use of air fresheners during pregnancy and early childhood was associated with higher levels of diarrhea, earache in infants and headaches, depression in mothers.


Outside of our own homes, it's rare that we know what ingredients are in those air freshening products. Those products that scent everything from bathrooms, toilets, our friends homes, cars, and so forth. Unless we have the opportunity to read the list of ingredients we have no idea what it is that we're exposing ourselves and children to.

For some of us, our noses tell us when we are inhaling a toxic chemical and we may have symptoms of burning noses and eyes, coughing, sneezing, upset stomaches, headaches, asthmatic responses, and more.

For me personally, when I go into any store or household that sells or uses anything with toxic ingredients, my sinuses and eyes burn so badly that it makes me want to protest and get the stores to stop selling those poisons to people. I actually think it should be criminal to manufacture and sell such poisonous products to uninformed innocent people. And we wonder why the health of Americans is so bad.

The main toxin in room fresheners, urinal cakes, moth balls and certain things like paints ,cleaning products, and vehicle exhaust fumes is 1,4 dichlorobenzene (1,4 DCB). A recent National Institute of Environmental Health Services (NIEHS) study published in Environmental Health Perspectives showed that among 953 adults 1,4 DCB was linked to a reduction in lung function.

Go into your cabinets and see if any of the products in your home contain 1, 4 DCB. If you see 1, 4 DCB or any synthetic chemical added to the product you may want to concider taking it to a chemical disposal dump, please don't flush it or toss it in the trash as that will allow it to continue further on its destructive cycle.


By using therapeutic-grade organic essential oils you will be adding oxygen to your indoor air and you will be cutting down or eliminating unwanted microbes, such as fungus, mold, pathogenic viruses and bacteria. With the cold and flu season right around the corner it's a good idea to arm yourself and family with wholesome ways to combat these germs and viruses.

Use a 'cold' air diffuser with therapeutic-grade organic essential oils. You NEVER want to heat your therapeutic-grade organic essential oil as heat will destroy many of the beneficial properties of the essential oil. And remember, the essential oils found in the stores are 'perfume-grade', which means they can be derived from any source and sold very cheaply to the uninformed public. See my previous posts on essential oil quality: Intro To Therapeutic-grade Essential Oils and The Experts Agree About Essential Oil Qualityand Smell Testing an Essential Oil. Never expect to get the same results with any store bought essential oil as you will get with a Young Living essential oil.


A cold air diffuser is different than other means of getting an essential oil into the air. It is electric, and nebulizes the essential oil which creates an extremely fine mist that allow the essential oil to permeate your room(s). It uses only cold air. Here is a picture of what one looks like...

Item # 3830

Diffusing essential oils in your home or office is a perfect way to help relieve tension, dispel odors, and create an atmosphere of peace and harmony. Young Living's diffusers are the most efficient on the market.

Essential Oil Diffuser is designed with an innovative air pump that disperses the oils in a micro-fine vapor so they stay suspended in the air for several hours. The diffuser disperses the oils without heating them, so they retain their therapeutic benefits. Essential oil blends that contain vegetable oils may diffuse slower than other oils and are not recommended.

This diffuser can be purchased at my website:
Visit my website:
The Very Essence


These are two, among many, terrific choices for essential oil diffusing:

Thieves Blend (item # 3423)

This is a fantastic essential oil blend I highly recommend!
Thieves® was created based on research about four thieves in France who protected themselves with cloves, rosemary, and other aromatic essential oils while robbing plague victims. The proprietary Thieves® oil blend was university tested and found to be highly effective in supporting the immune system and good health.*

Thieves® oil blend is an integral ingredient in Thieves® Household Cleaner (item # 3743), Thieves® Throat & Hand Spray (item # 3265), Thieves® Wipes (item # 3756), Thieves® Lozenges (item # 3229), Thieves® Dentarome Plus™ (item # 3738)and Thieves® Dentarome Ultra™ (item # 3744, my favorite) toothpastes, and Thieves® Fresh Essence Plus™ Mouthwash (item # 3683, the best!).

Purification Blend (item # 3399)

Purification™ can be used directly on the skin to cleanse and soothe insect bites, cuts, and scrapes. When diffused, it helps to purify and cleanse the air from cigarette smoke, mold, bacteria and disagreeable odors.

You can put your diffuser on a light timer so it turns on and off by itself, highly recommended. Use it in your home, office, studio, store, or any indoor place that you would want to freshen the indoor environment safely and effectively.

*The information provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended as diagnosis, treatment, or prescription of any kind. The decision to use, or not to use, any information is the sole responsibility of the reader.

If I can assist you with further choices or with placing an order please contact me.

To you and your families good health!