Friday, December 01, 2006

The Dangers of Mercury
(you HAVE to see these video's!)

by Townsend Letters for Doctors

Just recently, the Director for Science in the Public Interest, based in Washington, DC, suggested that there is a higher level of mercury in tuna than that which is safe for children.
If a child ingests mercury-containing tuna regularly, blood levels won’t rise until a tissue saturation has taken effect. Long before this tissue saturation takes place, such a child might experience speech and motor development delays, allergies, energy problems, learning disabilities, digestive problems, tooth decay, emotional and severe psychiatric problems.
When we see elevated levels in a child’s blood, the exposure has been severe and symptoms of toxicity are present. In other words, the child’s mental and physical well-being is affected, sometimes severely and irrevocably.

As early as 1982, Dr. Martin Laker of the Royal Hospital for Sick Children in Bristol wrote in his Lancet article which accurately assessed the differences between hair, blood and urine analysis: “…in the future, when an assessment of body trace elements is needed, it might be wise to pause before rushing to take a blood sample. A specimen of hair might be more appropriate.”

Just a few days after Parenting Magazine hit the shelves, a medical doctor’s wife brought in a hair sample of their 4-yeaar old son who has severe speech delays and motor developmental problems. Because of apparent learning disabilities, the boy had been admitted to a special school for the mentally disabled. While no medical or psychiatric tests or help had been spared in this child’s evaluation treatment, a hair mineral analysis had never been performed. Since the child had always been a fussy eater, his daily diet consisted of tuna fish sandwiches and huge amounts of soymilk. A subsequent hair mineral analysis showed very high mercury levels.

Biochemically, mercury compounds readily react with sulfhydryl groups in proteins and inhibit important enzyme activities. Both organic and inorganic mercury compounds are highly toxic to humans and animals, yet the present worldwide production of this toxic element is in excess of 10,000 tons per year and the toxic by-products of this heavy metal industry are a well documented danger to the environment. Frequent consumption of large fish such as tuna, shark or swordfish caught in contaminated waters can cause considerable mercury accumulation in tissue. It is a well known fact that insoluble mercury compounds in industrial waste are discharged into rivers an lakes, because it is incorrectly assumed that these compounds remain insoluble and thus non-toxic. In fact, it has been proven that soluble compounds which are absorbed by fish and plants enter the human food chain. Methyl mercury, a compound which is easily absorbed and deposited in the brain, causes CNS disorder and paralysis.

Reprinted from: Townsend Letters for Doctors and Patients, June 2000, as reprinted in Extended Health Newsletter

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PRESS RELEASE: August 2, 2000 Content: Charles Brown, (202) 462-8800

Judge blocks Maryland Dental Board from gagging dentists who discuss risks of mercury fillings.

Mercury, the most toxic nonradioactive element, is now disfavored in virtually every health use. Mercurochrome is banned. Mercury preservatives have been ordered removed from vaccines, and were earlier taken out of contact lens solutions. Some cities have banned the use of mercury thermometers. The American Public Health Association and the California Medical Association have condemned all mercury use in health care.

Reprinted from: The International DAMS Newsletter, Vol. 11 (1), March 2000, as reprinted in Extended Health Newsletter

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MERCURY IN ACTION (you have got to see these!)

This first video is of a 50 year old chunk of mercury amalgam tooth filling wafting mercury vapor, 15 years after it was extracted! Click on this link and scroll half way down the page to the video The Smoking Teeth be sure to also watch the video by the International Academy of Oral Medicine & Toxicology while there. This website is also selling a mercury detox product, I do not know enough about it to say whether it's good, safe or even works, therefore I cannot endorse it's efficacy, but the video's are terrific.

Here is a link to the The University of Calgary Faculty of Medicine Dept. of Physiology & Biophysics to view the video on how mercury causes brain neuron degeneration and obtain more information.

Under Our Skin: Lyme Disease

..."There is general agreement that most cases are mild to moderate if treated promptly. But therein lies a problem. As of yet, there are no reliable tests for Lyme disease. Fewer than 50% of patients diagnosed with Lyme ever find the offending tick, and the telltale bull's eye rash associated with the disease is only seen in 10-40% of the cases. Available blood tests yield a high percentage of false negatives due to the crafty nature of the spirochete, which is able to change into a dormant, undetectable cyst form, or hide within white blood cells, the very cells that are supposed to destroy invading bacteria.

Further, new research shows that the bacteria are able to exchange genetic material with one another and change the outer proteins of its cell walls, allowing the organisms to mutate and effectively hide from targeted human antibodies. The situation is complicated by the fact that there are over 300 strains of the bacteria that cause Lyme disease, and the test kits used by most labs don't detect all of these varieties. This results in thousands of false negative Lyme tests, delaying the treatment of many infected patients.

Lyme disease has been called the new "great imitator" because of its ability to mimic other diseases. Patients are routinely told they might have multiple sclerosis, Lou Gehrig's disease, fibromyalgia, systemic Lupus, Alzheimer's, chronic fatigue syndrome or rheumatoid arthritis. According to one physician, there is not one diagnostic feature of Lyme disease, except for the rash, that is different from any of these other conditions...."

Go to Under Our Skin to watch the informatonal trailer. It may be the fastest growing infectious disease in the United States, yet each year, thousands are misdiagnosed. In this upcoming documentary feature (in 2007), we investigate the shocking human, scientific, and political dimensions of Lyme disease.

Go to Under Our Skin: The Untold Story of Lyme Disease for more information.