Wednesday, May 30, 2007
4 Steps to Help Control Innflammation:
essential nutrients and essential oils
Forty-two years ago Dr. Myron Brin showed that even slight nutrient deficienies cause problems such as slow brain function, insomnia, irritability and nightmares. Today we know that essential nutrient deficiency is a key contributor in the massive inflammation epidemic that lies at the root of all our major health problems. When essential nutrients run low, inflammation goes unchecked, damaging cells, tissues and eventually whole organs and systems. This condition is called chronic systemic inflammation. Research links all of the top killers, even rapid aging, to this condition.
Living Foods, Your Body's ph and Disease
An Acidic or Alkaline System: What's the difference and why should we care?
4 Steps to Control Inflammation
It seems simple: control inflammation and you slow aging and improve health dramatically.
Drug companies understand this and are rushing to corner the anti-inflammatory market. However, Young living offers natural, holistic solutions with only one side effect - you'll love the products like I do.
The body needs optimal amounts of these essential nutrients to control inflammation.
pure water
essential amino acids from protein
essential sugars
essential fatty acids
fiber (soluble and insoluble)
essential vitamins
essential enzymes
Step One: Identify + Eliminate or Dramatically Limit Anti-nutrients.
Anti-nutrients include junk food, stress, toxins, medications, etc. A recent Los Angeles Times survey found that junk food calories comprised 30 percent of the average person's diet, and people consume 1,000 percent more sugar than our ancestors did. And all that anti-nutrient poison requires extra essential nutrient antidotes to counteract the damage. Here's a previous post on non-nutritive sweeteners.
Step Two: Get Enough Essential Nutrients
To keep up with today's extraordinary demands we must flood our systems with all the key essential nutrients. To accomplish this, Young Living packaged foundational essential oil nutrients together with other essential nutrients to create the Core Essentials nutritional program. This program includes Ningxia Red, Longevity, Omega Blue and Balance Complete. Taking these products together will create tremendous life-giving synergy.
Ningxia Red is no ordinary red energy "juice" -- it's an infusion. It's infused with therapeutic- grade essential oils and is an infusion preparation, meaning it delivers all the fresh, whole Ningxia wolfberry parts. This one-of-a-kind preparation supplies an incredible depth and breadth of critical antioxidants like superoxide dismutase (SOD), rare protein-polysaccharides and many other key micronutrients. NingXia Red booklet.
Longevity softgels is a daily essential oil ultra-antioxidant and embodies Young Living's unique and powerful place in the universe. It is an age-defying antioxidant supplement of awesome proportions and specializes in fat-soluble antioxidants. Studies on compounds in Longevity confirm they protect the body's most fragile tissues and prevent abnormal cell growth.*
Remember: stop oxidation, stop inflammation and stop the damaging cycle before it starts. Longevity fact sheet.
Omega Blue - Research confirms that omega-3 fats (DHA and EPA) in fish oil reduce systemic-inflammation and support cardiovascular, joint, eye and brain health, and much more. Omega Blue provides a clinically proven dose of pure, un-concentrated fish oil plus the proprietary "Omega Enhance" essential oil blend. This oil blend supports a healthy inflammatory response, supports normal cholesterol levels*, and protects fragile omega-3 fats during encapsulation, (while in the bottle,) and during metabolism. It also ensures Omega Blue is ten times more stable than other fish oil. Plus, our Precision Delivery intestinal release technology can triple omega-3 absorption by releasing nutrients directly into the intestines. Omega Blue fact sheet.
Balance Complete is a superfood-based meal replacement, is a powerful energizer and nutritive cleanser. It's high in fiber, high in protein and contains the good fats, enzymes, vitamins and minerals needed for a nutritionally dynamic meal. The most exciting ingredient is Young Living's proprietary V-Fibertm blend. This blend supplies an impressive 11 grams of fiber per serving with whole, nutrient-dense fibers and soluble fiber concentrates for optimal viscosity (thickness) and effect. It's perfect for forming bulk, absorbing toxins, satisfying the appetite, balancing blood sugar, and much more. Balance Complete fact sheet.
Young Living's Core Essentials Daily Nutritional Regimen
- Drink 1-3 ounces NingXia Red daily (item # 3003).
- Take one Longevity capsule daily (item # 3289) .
- Take one Omega Blue capsule 3 times daily (item # 3190).
- Replace your least nutritious meal with Balance Complete (item # 3292) (for better weight management replace two meals).
Note: This is just a starting place. More intense and targeted nutrients may be required for your particular situation.
Step Three: Assimilate the Essential Nutrients
The Core Essentials program prepares your body, specifically your bowel, to assimilate and maximize essential nutrients. Whole-food-based products like NingXia Red and Balance Complete are easily digested. Balance Complete also supplies a specialized enzyme pack. Using a wide variety of essential nutrients together enhances bioactivity. If further digestive assistance is required, add Young Living's Essentialzyme (item # 3272) to your routine.
Step Four: Give it Time
Commit to following the program for at least 60 days, although 90 days would be better. When the right raw materials are available, the body can do remarkable things, and then time will heal the wounds. Don't be surprised if you begin to see positive changes quickly -- these are not ordinary nutritional products. All Young Living essential oils and oil-enhanced products provide pure, living plant energy, and most people notice this unique and exceptional difference right away.
Get Young Living's Nutritional Supplements here!
Learn about Young Living's Start Living with 5-Day Nutritive Cleanse and Core Essentials and how to save 24%
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Monday, May 28, 2007
Essential Oil Recipe for Stregthening Finger Nails
Strengthening and Creating Healthy Nails with Essential Oils:
2 drops Wheat Germ Oil
2 drops Frankincense
2 drops Myrrh
2 drops Lemon
Rub on nails twice a week.
Buy pure therapeutic-grade essential oils here
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Young Living 's Dr. David Stewart on Martha Stewart
Young Living Essential Oils is making national headlines. So set your TiVo or VCR to record, you won't want to miss this!
On Thursday, May 24, 2007, The Martha Stewart Show will feature Young Living's very own Dr. David Hill, Director of Science and Education, along with respected fashion designer Donna Karan.
Dr. Hill recently served as a featured speaker for Karan's Urban Zen Initiative in New York, whose mission is “to create a working environment where the worlds of conventional and alternative medical practices unite to invent new ways of healing, health, and well-being for all of us” Urban Zen.
As a special guest of The Martha Stewart Show, Dr. Hill will discuss the benefits of essential oils, how they can be incorporated into daily activities and routines, and the health advantages essential oils provide. To find out on which station The Martha Stewart Show airs in your area, follow the steps below:
1. Go to Martha
2. Enter your zip code in the Local Show Schedule box (on the left). Links to all available cable, satellite, and network providers will be posted, depending on what is broadcast in your area.
3. Click on the link for your cable, satellite, or network provider. The stations and times for your local area will appear.
If you know anyone who is interested in high quality Young Living essential oils pass along my information to them. My contact information can be found by clicking here.
I'm looking for people who are interested in health, getting toxic products out of their home and personal care items, and, I am looking for people who would like to start a home based business like I have.
My contact information can be found by clicking here.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
For Your Health & Wellness -
is aspirin incresing or decreasing your risk of stroke?
Healthy older people who take regular aspirin to prevent stroke may actually be increasing their risk.
In the past 25 years the number of strokes associated with blood-thinning drugs such as aspirin or warfarin has risen seven-fold, a UK study found.
The risk is particularly high in the over 75s and aspirin may do more harm than good in healthy older people, The Lancet Neurology paper reported.
However, people advised to take daily aspirin by their GP should not stop.
Researchers at the University of Oxford compared figures on intracerebral haemorrhagic stroke - a type of stroke caused by bleeding in the brain - from 1981-85 and 2002-06.
They found that the number of strokes caused by high blood pressure had fallen by 65%, which in the under 75s meant the overall rate of strokes had halved.
"What our study suggests is that, particularly in the very elderly, the risks of aspirin outweigh the benefits."
Professor Peter Rothwell
But in the over 75's the stroke rate remained the same over the 25-year period.
A closer look at the data showed there had been an increase in the number of strokes in patients taking blood thinning drugs, known as antithrombotics.
In the first study the proportion of stroke patients on antithrombotic drugs was 4% but two decades later this had risen to 40%.
Lifestyle choice
People with cardiovascular disease, who have a high risk of blood clot, are prescribed drugs like aspirin to thin the blood and reduce the risk of a heart attack or stroke.
But many healthy older people also take a regular aspirin in an attempt to ward off a stroke.
Study leader, Professor Peter Rothwell, said the increasing use of drugs such as aspirin may soon take over high blood
pressure as the leading cause of intracerebral haemorrhagic stroke in the over 75's.
He warned than in healthy older adults the risks of taking aspirin may outweigh any benefits.
"GPs have been treating high blood pressure very aggressively and that is bringing dividends but there are other causes of stroke in the elderly which have become important.
"There are good reasons for taking aspirin or warfarin but there are elderly who take aspirin as a lifestyle choice and in that situation the trials have shown there's no benefit.
"And what our study suggests is that, particularly in the very elderly, the risks of aspirin outweigh the benefits," he said. Dr Peter Coleman, deputy director of research and development for The Stroke Association said aspirin had gained a reputation of being part of a healthy lifestyle.
"However, this evidence indicates that if you are healthy and have a low risk of heart disease or stroke and unless advised by your GP to take aspirin on a daily basis then the increased risks from the side effects of aspirin are likely to outweigh the benefits of preventing a stroke."
He advised people to lower their risk of stroke by having regular blood pressure checks, eating a healthy diet, stopping smoking, only drinking alcohol in moderation, reducing salt intake and taking regular exercise.
Source: BBC News
Apparently, those in the know are saying the way to reduce your chance of stroke is to eat a proper diet and include Omega 3's. A few good sources, I use and where I shop, that are nutritious, delicious and contain Omega 3's are:
A fantastic source for seafood!
Grass-fed Meats are high in Omega 3's too! Learn more here.
Young Living's Omega Blue yes I sell it and I love it.
A previous post may be of interest too, Eating Right for ADD and ADHD
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Living and Speaking Your Truth:
A message from the Hopi Elders
Recent message from the Hopi Elders
You have been telling the people that this is the Eleventh Hour. Now you must go back and tell the people that this is the Hour. And there are things to be considered:
Where are you living?
What are you doing?
What are your relationships?
Are you in right relation?
Where is your water?
Know your garden.
It is time to speak your Truth. Create your community. Be good to each other. And do not look outside yourself for the leader.
This could be a good time!
There is a river flowing now very fast. It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid. They will try to hold on to the shore. They will feel they are being torn apart, and they will suffer greatly. Know the river has its destination.
The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open, and our heads above the water. See who is in there with you and celebrate.
At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally. Least of all, ourselves. For the moment that we do, our spiritual growth and journey comes to a halt. The time of the lone wolf is over. Gather yourselves! Banish the word struggle from your attitude and your vocabulary. All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.
We are the ones we've been waiting for.
The Elders
Oraibi, Arizona
Hopi Nation
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Direct Selling Women's Alliance:
VIP Access for 24 Hours
I’ve told you about the Direct Selling Women’s Alliance (see my previous post) and all they offer direct selling professionals like you and me – now I actually have the chance to give you a VIP look inside their vast Member Only area!
Between now and midnight Thursday, May 10th, I’ve arranged for you to have immediate VIP access to the endless resources of the DSWA by using the username and password below.
Username: visitor
Password: success
You are going to love this website rich with success-enhancing resources, tips, articles and over 250 archived tele-classes on topics related to growing your business. Go to the home page now and have fun exploring the possibilities! VIP Access
Direct Selling Women:
About the DSWA
(Direct Selling Women's Alliance)
Never, in the 100-year history of the direct selling industry has there been an Alliance that is dedicated solely to the needs of the independent direct seller. At last, it's here! Direct selling women from around the world now have a place to call their own... an Alliance designed with their success in mind.
The information DSWA provides members is offered in a spirit of sisterhood, aimed at uniting direct selling women toward a common vision of success for themselves, their teams, their companies and the industry.
Why Women?
Surveys conducted by the Direct Selling Association (DSA) revealed that approximately 87% of direct sellers are women, many of whom are mom's who want more flexible work schedules. Many of these women are now turning to the Internet as a convenient and reliable source of information and support while growing their businesses.
The DSWA addresses the needs of this powerful segment of the direct selling profession in an effort to strengthen the individual and therefore the industry. Through the DSWA website many issues are addresses that direct selling women face every day. Challenges such as juggling multiple roles, balancing career and family and developing the unique skills that will enhance their success are just a small part of the vision the DSWA holds.
While the DSWA efforts are focused on supporting women in the profession, the information offered is equally applicable to male direct sellers. The DSWA membership is open to all direct sellers regardless of gender, company affiliation, race or religion.
A Note To The Men
With 79.9% of the direct selling profession comprised of women, chances are you work with women every day as you build your organization. Nearly 20% of DSWA memberships are now comprised of men, you will be joining an elite group of forward thinking leaders who will be setting the pace for the profession's growth in the next decade.
Through your membership with DSWA, men can gain an understanding not only of the unique challenges that direct selling women face, but also the many strengths they can bring to your business.
Industry Facts:
According to the Direct Selling Association, there are nearly 14 million direct sellers in the United States and over 55 million worldwide doing an estimated 97 billion dollars in sales. 79.9% of all direct sellers are women.
The DSWA is dedicated solely to the success of all direct sellers who have helped shape this unique and empowering profession.
DSWA members receive numerous benefits which include: weekly educational conference calls, access to a wealth of educational archives, Principle Centered Coaching, managing money, archived TeleClasses, extensive list of articles written by experts on all aspects of your irect selling business.
I love the DSWA, I am a member too. I'm also taking their "ELITE Leadership Training" course which is absolutely amazing!
Here's a list of some of the privialeges membership include:
Art of Booking
Booking Games
Reducing Cancellations
Hostess Coaching
Team Coaching
A Profile of the Profession
DSWA Published Articles
Legal Issues
Contests & Challenges
The Art of Motivation
Business Management
Personality Profiles
Beauty Basics
Creating Your Life
Fashion Focus
Time Management
To Your Health
Your Professional Image
Art of Selling
Closing Techniques
Customer Service
Increasing Sales
Seasonal Selling Ideas
Art of Sponsoring
Handling Objections
Interviewing Tips
Lead Generation
Using Technology
Automating Your Business
E-mails & E-zines
Prospecting and Sponsoring
Domestic Diva
Involving Your Kids
Involving Your Partner
Living Your Values
Dollars & Sense
Record Keeping
Tax Talk
... and that's just some of the articles!
The education and training you'll receive from your DSWA membership will benefit you and your team significantly, like it has mine. You won't get training and information like this with your company or your upline (unless they are DSWA members).
And don't forget to take a look at the DSWA Store for a wealth of education books, audio's & DVD's for you and your team.
Monday, May 07, 2007
The Hole Story: Think the Ozone hole is on the mend?
It's gotten worse.
This article has nothing at all to do with essential oils. However, I thought I'd post it so that the word spreads even further, it's from Discover Magazine written by Stephen Ornes.
I think it's pretty important that we once again take a look around at what we have, what we do and see how we can make further changes in our lifestyles. For those inclined to do even more to lessen their impact on the environment I might suggest delving deeper into, how the things you do use and consume are made and where are they made. I'm thinking we need to be much more conscious of how the things were are using are manufactured and how far do they travel before they reach our homes.
I don't think we can count on companies and laws to do all the "Watch-Dog" work for us. A company may make a product that we might consider not terribly eco-friendly. Just because a product is expensive or cheap does not mean it's not a burden on the environment.
I for one have been not purchasing things, food included, that are not in alignment with what I personally consider to be eco-friendly. For milennia, man has been perfectly able to live without a lot of the stuff and processed foods we use today without a blink of an eye. Perhaps we need to be asking ourselves prior to each purchase, "is this item eco-friendly, in what ways will it benefit my life and is it worth consuming?"
Here's the article...
Hovering 10 miles above the South Pole is a sprawling patch of stratosphere with disturbingly low levels of radiation-absorbing ozone. The size of the hole (pictured in dark blue) wanes and waxes due to seasonal changes in temperature and shifting levels of ozone-depleting pollutants. In early October 2006, the Antarctic stratosphere was the coldest it has been since 1979, and the ozone hole loomed bigger than ever, spanning an area larger than North America. What's going on? Wasn't the 1987 United Nations Montreal Protocol—an international agreement that set limits on the emission of ozone-eating compounds like chlorofluorocarbons, or CFCs—supposed to shrink Earth's life-threatening atmospheric bald spot?
The ozone hole in November 2006 is as big as ever. The thinnest ozone is blue-violet and the thickest ozone is yellow-green.
The ozone hole was just a slight thinning in 1979.
Like the chemistry of global warming, the answer is not simple. Unlike global warming, however, everyone agrees on why ozone depletion is a threat, what causes it, and what to do about it. Without a protective layer of ozone, life would be exposed to DNA-damaging ultraviolet rays from the sun. Unfortunately, the three-oxygen atom of ozone is also highly reactive, and the conditions in the stratospheric clouds over the South Pole render it even more so. When the temperature there dips below –126 degrees Fahrenheit, ozone-destroying chemical reactions begin. Chlorine atoms (liberated by the breakdown of chlorine-containing products) convert ozone into molecular oxygen, which provides far less UV protection. A single chlorine atom can tear apart thousands of ozone molecules.
Climate studies in the 1970s and 1980s provided the first evidence that CFCs—found in items like hair spray, refrigerants, pesticides, plastics, and fire retardants—work their way into the stratosphere and unleash the chlorine atoms that initiate this destructive chain reaction. The Montreal Protocol and subsequent amendments have made a major dent in the problem by banning the use of most CFCs. "I think it's safe to say we're on the threshold of recovery," says Michelle Santee, an atmospheric scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. But unlike pollutants that break down quickly, such as the sulfur compounds that cause acid rain, atmospheric chlorine can persist for more than 50 years. That helps explain why the ozone layer is still under attack, even though the amount of airborne chlorine is decreasing.
Still, why was this year's hole so huge? One possibility is that 2006 was simply colder than other years. Another possibility is that global warming could be contributing to the cold snap. Greenhouse gases, like carbon dioxide and methane, trap heat down near the surface. The result: colder temperatures in the stratosphere.
Taking a long view, though, the news is good. In the last decade, global ozone levels have stabilized or increased only slightly. All the same, experts estimate that it will take 50 to 70 years for Antarctic ozone levels to get anywhere near pre-1980 levels. And that, of course, depends on continued control of the ozone eaters.
Source: Discover Magazine written by Stephen Ornes.
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Eating Right for ADD and ADHD
My household has been organic for the past 30 years and I've paid more and have gone out of my way for quality foods. Something disturbing began happening within the past 5-6 years though... I was noticing that the "organic" foods I was buying no longer tasted or looked different than the regular store bought stuff. I have discovered that the organic meat sold in natural food chain stores is virtually as bad as the regular. Yes, meats and other animal products can be labeled "organic" and be raised in feedlots and in small cages indoors, as well as be fed GM corn and soybeans. In my mind this is NOT acceptable!
US Wellness Meats has a newsletter which I subscribe to and I felt that a recent article was worth putting out there for readers. If you keep wondering "why" we are the sickest country in the world (and we are) you may want to consider one of the large culprits to be... your "food source." I personally feel that what has been and continues to go on with our food is an absolute disgrace and I disapprove of what is being put on the shelves for unknowing consumers to purchase.
For example: I've bought organic butter for the past 30 years. When I got my first shipment of butter in from US Wellness Meats I did a taste test. Very unscientific, I took a little taste of the butter that came from US Wellness grass-fed cows and a few minutes later a taste of a nationally known brand of organic butter (which does not come from cows that are grass-fed). I couldn't believe what I experienced right in my own mouth!
I kid you not, if I didn't know any better I would have sworn that someone had come into my house and sprayed chemical household cleaner on my nationally known organic butter. It was so bad in fact that I literally spit it out into the kitchen sink and gasped, "oh my god, this tastes like poison and I've been eating it for years!" That's how bad it tasted in my unscientific side-by-side taste test. I will never purchase any animal products again that are not grass-fed.
I believe we are not getting the good nutrition from our foods because the plants and animals we eat are not getting fed properly. It's simple, if a vitamin or mineral is not in the soil and/or in the plant that we or animals eat there is no way that vitamin or mineral is going to be a part of the foods we eat.
Cows are suppose to eat grasses. Their digestive system is designed to process grass, not corn or soybeans, and especially not Genetically Modified corn or soybeans. You just don't have to be a rocket-scientist to figure out that there is something gravely wrong with our food production.
I'd like to share this article from US Wellness Meats by Catherine Ebeling, RN...
ADD and ADHD are some of the most commonly diagnosed behavioral disorders in school age children today. The symptoms of ADD/ADHD center primarily on areas such as: attention, impulsivity, overactivity, and restlessness.
This group of particular behaviors can cause problems in school, as these children often perform poorly academically, have other learning disabilities, and tend to have conduct problems, as well. They may be disruptive in the classroom, and have trouble sitting still and experience difficulties getting along with other classmates and teachers.
It used to be thought that ADD/ADHD children outgrew their hyperactivity and other behavior problems, but it is now known that 50-80% of these children continue on into adulthood with symptoms of ADD/ADHD. Adults are sometimes able to compensate with other positive behaviors to allow them to function better in the adult world, but behavior and learning patterns established in childhood can have long term adverse effects. As adults, ADD/ADHD can show up as difficulties establishing and maintaining relationships, low self-esteem, forgetfulness, marital problems, anger management and impulsivity, and poor listening skills to name just a few.
Treatment Options
Stimulant medications are commonly used for treatment of symptoms of ADHD. The most common are: Ritalin, Concerta , Adderall, and Dexedrine. These medications have many side effects that include:
• Loss of appetite
• Headache
• Stomach upset or nausea
• Weight Loss
• Problems Sleeping
The more serious side effects of these medications can be:
• Anxiety, nervousness and mood changes
• Chest pain, irregular or fast heartbeat
• Increased blood pressure
• Joint pain
• Skin rash
• Uncontrollable tics
• Fever
Changing one's diet and eliminating certain foods such as trans fatty acids, sugar and refined grain products may impact such a drastic change as to eliminate any need for medication. A nutritious diet for a child or adult may seem nearly impossible and not that important, but it is actually very critical. In order for it to process all the metabolic functions, one's body needs to synthesize, make and process and store more than 100,000 chemicals. It must manufacture these chemicals out of only a few different essential raw materials, which include essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, glucose, and amino acids. If your child consumes the standard American diet (SAD) of starchy refined grains, sugary foods, trans fatty acids, and refined, processed and preservative-laden products, the body is not able to perform the chemical conversions it must have to maintain normal body and brain function. Even a diet following the standard food pyramid is sadly lacking in essential nutrients necessary for proper function.
One of the most important nutrients is essential fatty acids. Deficiency in EFA's has been shown to be one of the hallmarks of ADD/ADHD. What are essential fatty acids? EFA's are a major component of cell function. Each cell in our body has a membrane to separate it and protect it. The membrane is composed of essential fatty acids. EFA's can only come from our food sources such as Grassland ground beef and beef patties. EFA's are of two different types: Omega 3's and Omega 6's. The body cannot make Omega 3 fats from an intake of predominantly Omega 6's and vice versa. Omega 3 fats in the body must come from Omega 3 fats in the diet and similarly Omega 6's come from Omega 6's in one's diet.
The Omega 3 group of fats start with Alpha linoleic acid, and include eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexanoic acid (DHA). The Omega 6 group consists of linoleic acid, cis-linoleic acid, gamma-linoleic acid (GLA), dihomogammalinolenic acid (DGLA), and arachidonic acid (AA). (Stevens, Laura M.S., 12 Effective Ways to Help your ADD/ADHD Child, 2000). Essential fatty acids are critical for a couple of reasons. First the balance of omega 3's and omega 6's affects the properties in the cell membrane and the ability of molecules to enter and exit the cell. Omega 3's and 6's are also used by the body to manufacture prostaglandins. Prostaglandins help cells communicate with one another. Long-chain omega 6's and long chain Omega 3's are more concentrated in the brain and retina than in other cells. They play vital roles in brain and nerve function. They are also critical to proper functioning of the immune system.
Several years ago, studies were conducted on boys with ADHD and it was found that they had lower levels of critical EFA's in their blood than a control group of children with "normal" behavior. About 40% of the boys with ADHD reported many symptoms of EFA deficiency including: excessive thirst, frequent urination, visual disturbances, decreased learning abilities and abnormal behavior. The symptomatic boys showed lower levels of omega 3's and omega 6's. Low levels of Omega 6 EFAs contributed to higher incidents of illness (colds, flu, etc.), and deficits in Omega 3 EFAs contributed to problems with learning, behavior, sleep, and temper. These studies support the case for EFA supplementation as a part of the overall treatment approach to Attention Deficit Disorder - ADD ADHD.
Dietary sources of EFA's
In addition to the much publicized addition of wild caught salmon and other fatty fishes to one's diet, grass fed beef is a healthy and delicious alternative. Changing to grass fed, all natural, additive-free beef will increase Essential Fatty Acids in the diet. Kids love starting their day with grassfed beef bacon or beef sausage. And for a super charged snack, the beef pemmican cannot be beat when it comes to high concentrations of Omega 3's and Omega 6's. The whole family will love the delicious beef brisket, ribs, and stew beef. Everyone in the family benefits from this change. Not only do EFA's help with the symptoms of ADD/ADHD, but other family members benefit by enjoying a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, asthsma, arthritis, high blood pressure, and autoimmune disorders. EFA's also decrease inflammation.
Grass-finished beef such as the ribeye steaks is a great source for this essential nutrient. Research demonstrates that Omega 3 is great for individuals with heart disease, and other studies are showing that Omega 3 may also have an anti-carcinogenic effect. The source of Omega 3 is the green leaves of plants. When cattle eat their natural diet, beef becomes a great source of Omega 3. Grain is not a rich source of Omega 3, so standard, cattle-finishing practices cause the Omega 3 level to decrease dramatically. Our grass-finishing protocol produces a natural source for Omega 3, at U.S. Wellness Meats.
REDUCED FAT - Because U.S. Wellness Meats cattle are raised and finished in their natural environment, eating their natural diet, the meat is much leaner than the beef of standard, grain-finished livestock. Grass-fed beef has a much better fatty acid ration and less total fat than grain-fed animals! The myth is that cattle must be grain-fed to be tender and tasty, but we now know better. U.S. Wellness Meats is leaner, so you'll need to cook it at lower temperatures. Wait until you sink your teeth into the lean, clean flavor of U.S. Wellness Meats. You'll find that regular beef flavor has been replaced by a more robust beef flavor that you will love, AND as an added bonus, it's GREAT for you!
NATURAL, ADDITIVE-FREE BEEF - At U.S. Wellness Meats we eat what we sell! We are absolutely committed to the highest standards of food quality and safety. No pesticides or herbicides are used on the pastures where our cattle graze. No preservatives or additives are in our products. No growth implants, feed grade antibiotics or unnecessary antibiotics are given to the animals. Animals are only given antibiotics when necessitated for the treatment of illness. When this occurs the cattle must meet our required withdrawal time prior to processing, which is double that of the industry standard. Cattle graze on a managed rotation, which provides them with consistently fresh forage.
Make the change to all natural, high in EFA's organic beef, meats and poultry from U.S. Wellness. The positive benefits are noticeable and the change will be amazing!
Related articles:
Estrogen and Hormones: What we women need to know
The Future of Food
Aspartame: Ant Poison of Human Food Ingredient???
Hidden Sources of MSG in regular & organic foods
Do You Know What's in the Foods You're Eating?
The Truth About Non-Nutritive Sweeteners
If you would like to learn more here are two other terrific resources to obtain information that is not biased by some large comapny:
Dr. Mercola simply type in the search box the food or topic of interest.
Weston A. Price Foundation The Weston A. Price Foundation is a nonprofit, tax-exempt charity founded in 1999 to disseminate the research of nutrition pioneer Dr. Weston Price, whose studies of isolated nonindustrialized peoples established the parameters of human health and determined the optimum characteristics of human diets. Dr. Price's research demonstrated that humans achieve perfect physical form and perfect health generation after generation only when they consume nutrient-dense whole foods and the vital fat-soluble activators found exclusively in animal fats.
Friday, May 04, 2007
Essential Oils:
Denver Zoo Orangutans Now Calmed by a dab of Basil
Rhonda Pietsch, the Denver Zoo’s primate specialist, has found a perfect (if bizarre-sounding) solution for controlling the adult male orangutan under her care: basil oil. Following the advice of Francis Cleveland, an expert in animal aromatherapy, Pietsch found that the scent calmed down her testy primates in the winter, when they tend to be in close proximity to one another. A dab of basil oil equals no more stick fights, spitting, or poking. It turns out aromatherapy works for the primate population; it is helpful in addressing a variety of animal ills, which is why Pietsch makes the rounds every morning, offering her orangutans a rather sophisticated and unusual side order to the typical zoo breakfast fare.
Pietsch moves from animal to animal, placing different scented oils on the tips of her fingers for their consideration. The animals indicate interest with different body signals, including pushing their foreheads, lips, chins, cheeks, or arms forward to receive the aromatherapy. Sally chooses yarrow and rose to make her aging body more agile. Mias wants a dab of frankincense on his forehead, and a bit of eucalyptus above his lip to clear his allergies.
In essence, these primates are self-medicating — just as they do in the wild, where they have been observed to pick and eat certain plants that have healing properties. Both humans and primates have highly developed smell receptors in their brains, though they have become less important to us as we have evolved. For most animals, though, sense of smell remains crucial to survival.
“They are very, very smart and are able to tune in and read the body,” Pietsch says. “They will refuse an oil if they don’t want or need it any longer. That’s how I know it is time for a change in oils. Likewise, they may take a great deal of interest in an oil and so I will offer it again to them in the afternoon.”
These primates instinctively know which kind of aromatherapy they need in order to balance out a bad mood, stabilize a nervous stomach, or fix a bad cold, Pietsch says. Mias, for example, has allergies that get worse in the winter when he is moved indoors. To alleviate his runny nose, the 300-pounder always picks two different kinds of eucalyptus, a plant commonly used by humans to relieve congestion. Mias also picks fennel and Roman chamomile to soothe his stomach when he’s nervous (the aromatherapy takes away his diarrhea problem, whereas the medicine the vet gives him does nothing, according to Pietsch).
Aromatherapy also alleviates emotional ills, Pietsch discovered. Allie, for example, was only six when her mother died. She quickly became despondent and depressed following her death. Looking for ways to help her heal, Cleveland recommended frankincense and sandalwood, both of which immediately helped Allie release some of the emotion around the death of her mother. After a month and a half, Pietsch says everyone began to see a noticeable change in her mood and behavior.
As far as Pietsch knows, Denver is the only zoo using aromatherapy to help its animals cope. Pietsch, who also gives aromatic oils to other animals she cares for as “enrichment,” says cats love musky scents, especially Possession. Red river hogs love Clinique perfume, but hate the Colors brand. “They won’t go near it,” she chuckles. ~ end ~
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