Sunday, March 11, 2007

Spring Cleaning Indoor Air

The easiest and simplest way of putting essential oils into the air for inhalation is to use an aromatic diffuser. A cold air diffuser uses room-temperature air to blow the oil up against some kind of nebulizer. This breaks the oils up into a micro-fine mist that is then dispersed into the air. The oils, with their oxygenating molecules, will then remain suspended for several hours to freshen and improve the quality of the air. The anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and antiseptic properties of the oils kill bacteria and help reduce fungus and mold. Essential oils, when diffused, have been found to reduce the amount of airborne chemicals and metallics as well as help to create greater spiritual, physical, and emotional harmony.

Recommended Diffusing Time
While a diffusers can run continuously until it is out of oil, the greatest therapeutic benefit is received by diffusing oils for only 10 minutes out of an hour so that the olfactory system has time to recover before receiving more oils. This also helps to conserve your oils. A simple way to do this is to use a programmable timer that can automatically turn on your diffuser each hour for 10 minutes.

Essential Oils for Air Purification
Diffusing essential oils in the home or work place is one of the best ways to purify our environment. The anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and antiseptic properties of the oils, along with the negative ions and oxygenating molecules that are released when essential oils are diffused, all help to reduce chemicals, bacteria, and metallics in the air.
Cinnamon bark, mountain savory, oregano, and Theives (a blend by Young Living Essential Oils), were all tested by Weber State University and were shown to kill 99.96% of the airborne bacteria present when diffused into the atmosphere.

The information above is from the Reference Guide for Essential Oils by Connie & Alan Higley, and from KID-Radio broadcast, March 5, 1996 with Lance Richardson & Gary Young

Negative Ions
Negative ions are produced naturally by wind and rain. They help stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system which controls rest, relaxation, digestion, and sleep. If you live in a stressful environment, or an environment full of electronic equipment (which produce positive ions), the diffusion of negatively ionizing oils can help balance the ions in the air and produce a more stress free environment.

Essential oils that ionize negatively when diffused include: bergamot, cedarwood, citronella, eucalyptus (citriodora), grapefruit, lavandin, lavender, lemon, lemongrass, mandarin, orange, patchouly, & sandalwood.

Positive Ions
Positive ions are produced by electronic equipment and are typically found in man-made environments. They help stimulate the sympathetic nervous system, necessary for recovering, strengthening, and energizing. If you live in an environment with an over-abundance of negative ions, such as in the country or by the ocean, you may benefit greatly by diffusing positively ionizing oils.

Essential oils that ionize positively when diffused into the air include: cajeput, clove, cypress, eucalyptus, frankincense, helichrysum, juniper, marjoram, melaleuca (quinquenervia), palmarosa, pine, ravensara, rosemary, thyme, & ylang ylang.

Essential oils for the Season: Spring/Summer
Spring and summer connote a light, airy scent, full of life, energy, and possibly a hint of romance!
Essential oils that work well during this time include: cardamom, citronella, coriander, eucalyptus, geranium, ginger,
grapefruit, jasmine, lemon, lime, palmarosa, peppermint, rose, spearmint, & ylang ylang.

The Benefits of Diffusing Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils
1. Increased cell oxygen.
2. Increased secretions of endorphins.
3. Increased secretions of antibodies.
4. Increased production of ATP (energy fuel used by cells).
5. Increased secretions of seratonin.
6. Increased secretions of hormones.
7. Increased histamine release, which speeds up the healing process.
8. Increased circulation and supports immune function.
9. Increased conversion of amino acids and proteins.
10. Helps in dealing with emotional trauma.
11. Helps in promotion of secretion and receptivity of human growth hormone (HGH).
12. They smell wonderful.

If you're ready to do some spring cleaning of your indoor air with essential oils using a cold air diffuser go to my product website, have a look around at the essential oils and diffusers (under "Accessories A-M you will find the diffsers) I offer, and then Create an Account.


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