Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Snake Oil & Other After Bite Remedies

by David Stewart, Ph.D., R.A.

Therapeutic grade essential oils are not only good insect repellants, they are also excellent after you have been bitten. Essential oils are great detoxifiers for insect bites because their chemistry can break down the poison and render it harmless.

Because the molecules of essential oils are all lipid soluble and very tiny (less than than 500 amus) they all transdermal. Thus, when applied to a bite, they pass through the skin in seconds, reacting with the toxins injected by the insect and reducing their toxic effects.

I was stung by a wasp recently and, within a few minutes, put Purification oil on it the area that had become red and swollen.
The stinging sensation soon resided and within a few hours I could not tell that I had ever been stung.

Do You Sell Snake Oil?

Those who sell good therapeutic grade essential oils are sometimes accused of "selling snake oil." If you are ever so
accused, your response should be, "Yes, I do. Would you like a bottle?"

There are those in Australia who know what "snake oil" really is because 100-200 years ago the Australians exported "snake oil" to America because it was in great demand from miners, trappers, and families who were moving into the wild and untammed West.

Early pioneers had to contend with many dangers which included not only their exposure to the weather and the threat of hostile Indians, but also the daily peril of rattle snake bites.

But there was a remedy. Traveling salesmen who serviced those early pioneers had an oil that, when applied to a snake bite, would penetrate the skin and detoxify the poison. That oil was Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternafolia). And that is how the traveling merchants of the West came to be known as "Snake Oil Salesmen." In the beginning, it was a good name implying a good and effective product.

Unfortunately, back in the pioneering days, some of the traveling salesmen acquired bad reputations, not because their oils did not work, but because they were dishonest in other ways. But that is no reflection on the efficacy of melaleuca oil as an on-site detoxifyer.

So there you are. Many of you really are snake oil salespeople after all. And you can be proud of it.

~ o ~

I do sell "Snake Oil" and I am extremely proud to be offering it to people who know Snake Oils do work. I personally turn to the Snake Oils whenever I have a cut, bite, wound, ache, pain, and for a nutritional flavoring in my water or in cooking.

NOTE: do NOT use other brands of essential oils in the same ways we use Young Living essential oils as most are not distilled properly and only contain 5% of a poor quality essential oil, the other ingredients that go into filling up the rest of the bottle god only knows.

This link will take you to my product website: The Very Essence


Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Could Common Scents Snuff Out the Superbug?

Feb 28 2005

Madeleine Brindley, Western Mail

Research conducted at the University of Manchester has found that three oils usually used in aromatherapy destroyed MRSA and E.coli bacteria in two minutes flat.

Scientists are now suggesting that the oils could be blended into soaps and shampoo which could be used in hospitals to stop the spread of the superbug or MRSA.

Jacqui Stringer, complemen-tary medicine clinical leader at Christie Cancer Hospital, who instigated the research, believes essential oils are so effective because they are made up of a complex mixture of chemical compounds which MRSA and other superbug bacteria find difficult to resist. She is not alone in this belief.

I believe this research could lead to a very practical application which would be of enormous benefit to the NHS and its patients.

MRSA and other hospital- acquired infections kill about 5,000 patients a year in the UK. Many more suffer unpleasant complications to the illnesses for which they were first admitted.

Dr. Peter Warn, from the University of Manchester, who carried out the research, said the essential oils could be used to create much more pleasant inhalation therapies - which are likely to have a much higher success than current treatment, which is only effective in around 50% of cases.

The present treatment for MRSA involves the unpleasant application of disinfectant on the affected area.

The resistance to penicillin of certain strains of bacteria, including the antibiotic-resistant MRSA bug, has been named as one reason for the growth in infection, but there is little doubt that this is not the only reason.

Falls in cleanliness standards have also been blamed by many within the health professions and external commentators. The reduction in hospital cleaners in the past 20 years gives this theory credibility.

But irrespective of why, we need to find a solution, and wipe out the superbug.

Could aromatherapy essential oils be the essential ingredient in this fight? After all, the therapeutic benefits of these oils have been known and harnessed for about 5,000 years.

The ancient Egyptians recognised their antiseptic properties and harnessed their potential for medicinal purposes as well as for embalming their dead, by slowing down their decomposition.

Aromatic bonfires were lit to cleanse the air from the 14th to the 17th centuries in plague- ravaged Europe. Doctors wore nosebags of aromatic herbs (including cinnamon and cloves) to kill germs.

The medicinal action of smells was often associated with religious rites and magical incantations, and at first popular healing developed separately in different parts of the world.

This is known as ethnobotany and one aspect of this is the study of remedies and drugs, known as pharmacoethnography.
Recent research has been mostly in tropical regions, studying drugs used by peoples still living in close contact with nature and relatively untouched by modern civilisation.

Modern aromatherapy is primarily associated with the French chemist Rene Maurice Gattefosse, whose family owned a perfumery business.

While working in the lab he burnt his hand and plunged it into a vat of lavender oil.

His burn healed quickly without scarring and he subsequently discovered the excellent antiseptic qualities of many other essential oils.

His first book, Aromatherapie, in 1928, was the first use of the word "aromatherapy".

Modern science is gradually explaining superstitions and removing errors from popular healing. At the same time, chemical analysis and biological study are frequently confirming things which were formerly known only from experience and which had no rational explanation. This phenomenon is now reaching aromatherapy.

In France today, many medical doctors and hospitals prescribe essential oils as an alternative to antibiotic treatment, whereas in most countries the idea of using natural aromatics as a form of medical treatment is still very radical.

Essential oils are highly concentrated and in the UK they are usually only used externally by qualified aromatherapists, combined with massage to provide a very effective treatment for stress-relief and a host of other well-documented therapeutic benefits.

With this latest Manchester research, we can not only prove the centuries-old belief in the benefits of essential aroma- therapy oils, but also move positively towards finding a simple but effective solution to a growing problem in our health service.

It took Kryptonite to subdue Superman in his comic adventures. Maybe in essential oils we will find the means to subdue the superbug.

Eleanor Burnham is Liberal Democrat AM for North Wales. She is a qualified aroma- therapist.

Source: ic Wales-The National Website of Wales

To learn more about pure essential oils explore my blog here and visit my essential oil website The Very Essence

To learn more about me (Evelyn), what I do and why, visit My Freedom

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Non-Toxic Bathtub Cleaner - Silky Scrub

There's a good-looking recipe for non-toxic bathtub cleaner from Natural Home Magazine. They call it "Silky Scrub," and it's a simple mixture of baking soda, liquid castile soap, and a little antibacterial essential oil.

Here's the recipe:

1 cup baking soda, in a medium sized mixing bowl
1/2 cup liquid castile soap
5-10 drops of antibacterial essential oil, such as lavender, tea tree or rosemary


1. Pour baking soda into a medium size bowl.
2. Add soap a little at a time, stirring continuously, until your mixture has begun to resemble frosting.
3. Mix in drops of essential oil.
4. Store in an airtight jar for up to a year

Of course, the only essential oils I speak for, use and recommend are the Young Living essential oils because of their purity.

To learn more about why I am passionate about Young Living essential oils browse my blog here and/or visit my website:
The Very Essence


Thursday, February 22, 2007

Dr. Stephen Blake, DVM, "The Pet Whisperer,"
Has A Request...

Networking is what we're all about and all of the Distributor's and essential oil user's from Young Living would like to honor Dr. Stephen Blake's special request. For those who don't know, Dr. Blake, "The Pet Whisperer," is a "natural" veterinarian who prescribes Young Living essential oils for many of his furry, winged, and four-legged "patients." He has a dream, and has asked if we would share it with everyone. Here is is story...

What are the birds telling Dr. Blake about how to get alternative medicine taught in our Veterinary Schools?

"First of all, the balance of power is always based on Economics 101, Supply and Demand theory. NO DEMAND, NO VACCINES and DRUGS.. MORE DEMAND, MORE VACCINES and DRUGS. It is a very simple principle. We need to get the pet caregivers of the world to say "No!" to over vaccination and drugs and the veterinary community will follow."

How do we do that?

"The idea I have had for many years is that we get a holistic veterinarian on Oprah and get her all steamed up about holistic care and the dangers of vaccines and off we go."

How do we get on Oprah with our message?

"We get an email campaign of all the pet caregivers who have had positive experiences with their holistic veterinarian and a little story of the negative side about drugs and vaccines. We give them the topic and the email address: email your positive natural pet experience to Oprah here! and wait and see if we can get someone like me on the show so we can get Oprah's following to do the pushing on the veterinary community."

How does this help our cause?

"When all her listeners start calling their veterinarians and asking for alternative veterinary care, they will be told they do not have the services they are requesting. The veterinarian will search and find there are no alternative veterinarians coming out of veterinary schools anywhere in the United States. This in turn will put pressure on the Veterinary Schools to provide training in these areas so the demand will be provided for."

What can we do to make that happen?

"If we all work together on this project, we can make it happen and see the paradigm shift in our life time. In my book 'The Pet Whisperer,' I wrote that my dream was that alternative veterinary medicine would no longer be 11th hour medicine before I leave this planet. With all of your help, you can help me see my dream come true."

Because many of our common pets do not have the natural lifespan of a human, we are able to see many more generations of animals in "our" human lifetime. What are veterinarians seeing? A very sick pet event, they're saying that 50% of dogs are dying of cancer today and that wasn't always the case.

What's also interesting is that our human population is also seeing a rise in many of these same diseases our pets are getting. I believe this is a BIG wkae up call, not only about ourslves but of our pets. Big companies literally spend billions on advertising to market their products, and condition us into believing they know what's best for us, our kids and our pets.

We are ultimately responsible for what comes into our households and what gets put on the dinner plate, the dog dish, the cat dish, etc. And what kinds of treatments are prescribed when we go to the doctor or veterinarian. When we demand a pure and natural treatment for ourselves and our pets, only then will it happen.

Here is a link to a very well done online video, interviews of veterinarians, with Dr. Stephen Blake and others in the alternative pet care field, what they're taught, what they see, and what they think... Dr. DoMore Video

Young Living essential oils are pure, that means we have far more many ways available in which to use them, for not only humans but for our pets. They are a wonderful addition to any natural and alternative care tool-belt. Young Living has a line of almost 150 different essential oils and essential oil "blends," they can be seen and ordered at my website The Very Essence

A special thanks goes out to our inspired Young Living friend and healer, Dr. Stephen Blake. Thank you for making Young Living essential oils more widely known and used. We will all tune in to Oprah to see you!

Disclaimer: Information found here refers solely to products from Young Living Essential Oils and is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. We urge you to do the health related research necessary to learn what is right for you and your pet(s). Young Living uses only pure AFNOR - ISO grade essential oils. Perfume grade or poor quality oils found in stores may possibly be harmful due to unknown additives and poor plant or distillation conditions. Therefore, never expect to get the same benefits with other brands.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Thank You Seattle Area Young Living Essential Oil User's

I want to say "Thank You" to all of you who attended our Young Living event in Edmonds, WA this past Tuesday and Wednesday. It was wonderful meeting so many Young Living Essential Oil user's so close to home. Our goal is to create a Young Living community, a regular monthly gathering event where essential oil user's can come together to learn, share and grow.

And a very special thank you to Dr. David Hill and Justin Harrison for being our guest speakers for the event. Your charm, humor, and knowledge provided us with much information and fun... we can't wait for you to come back! A little birdie told they will be making very special appearances throughtout the year and more!

If you were unable to attend keep in mind that every 3rd Tuesday of the month we will have events at the Edmonds Conference Center in Edmonds, WA so please join us!

Here are some upcoming events we have planned:

March 20th 2007

Got Mold?

Learn about toxic black mold and the latest science about what you can do to prevent and elimnate it in your home/workplace. An educational event you won't want to miss!


April 17th 2007

Kids, Pets, Flea's and Pests

Learn about nontoxic solutions for your kids & pets, and how to use essential oils to keep away flea's and pests... just in time for the summer months!

Mark your calendars now for these not to be missed events, we'll learn what nontoxic solutions we have for those situations.

See you on March 20h!


Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Dr. David K. Hill, D.C. to speak in Edmonds, WA
February 20th

Please note: I received a call this afternoon from Justin Harrison and was informed that Dr. David Hill wanted to do the essential oil presentation for our seminar.

With the addition of Dr. Hill we have rented a larger room to accomodate the guests. This is going to be a terrific evening of education and fun!

When it rains in the NW it pours!
See you on Tuesday.

~ o~

February Health and Wellness Seminar

Goodbye Superbugs, Hello Health!
Special guest speakers: Dr. David K. Hill, D.C. and Justin Harrison

Presented by Young Living NW
February 20, 2007 • 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Edmonds Conference Center
201 Fourth Avenue North
Edmonds, WA 98020
Free to the general public, $10 for YLEO Members

Learn about superbugs and find out why they find resisting essential oils difficult. Dr. David K. Hill, D.C., one of our most dynamic leaders in the field of natural medicine will be explaining the complexities of what kills more people each year
than AIDS, breast cancer and autoimmune accidents combined. The culprit? Supergerms.

Dr. Hill will discuss how essential oils play a role in offering assistance. The lecture will include the essential oils of: Geranium, Thyme, Oregano, Cinnamon Bark, Clove, Mountain Savory, Basil, Peppermint, Lavender, Lemongrass & Eucalyptus!

And for Young Living Leaders old and new:
Justin Harrison, Young Living’s Director of Sales and Training, will discuss the benefits of your Young Living home-based business.

Exciting information
A glimpse into Young Living's new enrollment packages
Product Discounts
Door Prizes
Hints on how to build your business
and much more!

This is a very special educational seminar you won’t want to miss!

Pre-register with Evelyn to reserve your seat, space is limited:

Evelyn at


Young Living Northwest Upcoming Health and Wellness Seminars

March 20th, 2007
If you answered “yes” then this is an educational opportunity you won’t want to miss!

April 17th, 2007
Are you ready to get toxic products out of your kids & pets lives? We’ll tell you what we’ve done to make a change!

~ o ~

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Goodbye Superbugs, Hello Health!

February Health and Wellness Seminar

Presented by Young Living NW

February 20, 2007 • 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Edmonds Conference Center

201 Fourth Avenue North

Edmonds, WA 98020

Free to the general public, $10 for YLEO Members

According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control) antibiotic resistance isn't a new problem; resistant disease strains began emerging not long after the discovery of antibiotics more than 50 years ago.

"What's different now, is that we've reached a situation where it's no longer an isolated problem of this bug or that bug; virtually all important human pathogens treatable with antibiotics have developed some resistance." - Dr. David Bell, M.D., CDC

What is worrying to doctors now is that a new superbug has appeared that is resistant to the antibiotic-of-last-resort vancomycin.

Essential oils have been around for thousands of years. Research from all over the word has proven, time after time, that Essential Oils are highly effective in dealing with “bugs.” Due to the “complex” makeup of essential oils, viruses and bacteria are not capable of becoming resistant to them.

Join special guest speaker Justin Harrison and the Young Living NW Group and learn how we keep germs and superbugs at bay using nature’s most effective solutions - Essential Oils.

Discover the benefits of: Geranium, Thyme, Oregano, Cinnamon Bark, Clove, Mountain Savory, Basil, Peppermint, Lavender, Lemongrass & Eucalyptus!

Justin Harrison is the Director of Sales and Training for Young Living Essential Oils and Regional Business Director for the Western US. He is passionate, energetic and deeply commited to the principles of natural health and to your success with Young Living.

For Young Living Leaders old and new: Justin will discuss the benefits of your Young Living business - how the money is made, what it will cost, what is your commitment and more.

In addition, if you have been wanting to have your own Young Living home-based business now is a great time...

Enroll as a distributor now and receive $100 worth of FREE Young Living product! Plus FREE reinstatement of your Distributorship if it has expired! Receive training and support from Young Living NW Leaders in your new business!

To Register for both events contact me through my website (to prevent spammers) at The Very Essence and click on my email address below my photo.

Special Announcement for Young Living Leaders: in addition to the seminar join Justin and the Young Living NW Group for brunch on Wednesday, 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM in Lynnwood, WA (location to be announced.)


Upcoming Health and Wellness Seminars

March 20th, 2007


If you answered “yes” then this is an educational opportunity you won’t want to miss!

April 17th, 2007


Are you ready to get toxic products out of your kids & pets lives? We’ll tell you what we’ve done to make a change!

To Register for one or both events contact me through my website (to prevent spammers) at The Very Essence and click on my email address below my photo.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Essential Oil Quality Tid-bits:

Did You Know . . .

Some oil producers do not actually add chemicals to their oils. Instead, they inject chemical solvents into the water in their boilers during the distillation process, increasing output by about 18%.

Imagine what happens to essential oils when chemicals are added to water, which is boiled into steam and then forced into plants to extract their oil. The very process of forcing chemically-treated steam into the plants fractures the molecular structure of the essential oils. It also seems impossible for an essential oil extracted through this method to avoid containing at least SOME of these chemical additives.

How to be sure your essential oils are therapeutic-grade:

While not everyone has ready access to scientific analysis of essential oils, these questions can help you determine if a product is therapeutic grade:

- Are the fragrances subtle, rich, organic, and delicate?

- Do they feel natural? (An essential oil should not feel greasy like vegetables oils do).

- Do the fragrances vary from batch to batch as an indication that they are pure and painstakingly distilled in small batches rather than industrially processed and mixed on a large scale?

- Does your supplier grow and distill its own organically grown herbs?

- Are the distillation facilities part of the farm where the herbs are grown so they are freshly distilled — or do the
herbs lose their potency as they wait for weeks to be transported and processed?

- Does your supplier use low pressure and low temperature to distill essential oils and preserve all of their fragile chemical constituents?

- Are the distillation cookers vertical rather than horizontal?

- Are they fabricated from costly stainless steel alloys to reduce the likelihood of the oils chemically reacting with metal?

- Does your supplier have representatives traveling worldwide to personally inspect the fields and distilleries where the herbs are grown and distilled?

- Does your supplier buy directly from the grower?

- Does your supplier scrutinize the facilities to ensure that no synthetic chemicals are used?

Ways Young Living Ensures Oil Purity:

1. We plant, harvest and distill on our own farms. The best defense against adulteration is to completely control herb cultivation and distillation. This is why Young Living grows over 15 different herbs, including lavender, clary sage, melissa, thyme, sage, peppermint, spearmint, German chamomile, Roman chamomile, and Idaho tansy.

2. We visit and inspect the farms and distillation facilities of our essential oil suppliers. By personally inspecting the facilities of outside oil producers, Young Living ensures that herbs meet stringent quality specifications.

3. We use state-of-the-art chemical analysis to check every batch of essential oils. Young Living quarantines, inspects, and tests each lot of essential oils for purity and quality. Oils can go through as many as five separate levels of analysis before they are released.

Because Young Living essential oils are grown, handled and distilled properly purity is ensured. You know you are always getting the best.

I have used essential oils for about 20 years. However, Young Living was not in business back when I had begun using essential oils. I still sought out and found the best essential oils I could find in the US. I was looking for essential oils so I could make my own household cleaners, and to use for aromatherapy purposes.

Because the oils I found back then were not stringently regulated and pure I never put a sinlge drop on my body or in my cooking, why? Because they contained chemicals and it would be dangerous. I was only able to use those oils in very limited ways.

Then, about 7 years ago, while attending my classical Feng Shui class, a woman who sold Young Living essential oils did a presentation on how we could use essential oils for purifying negative energy in homes when we were called in to do "Space Clearings." She was also showing us how it was perfectly safe to apply these oils to our bodies and use them in cooking because of their purity.

Well, one smell of the Young Living oils and I KNEW that what I had been buying was junk!

I placed a very large order, over $500, and when I got home I literally threw-out all of the oils I had gotten from that other company. Besides, after smelling pure, high quality oils, the ones I had at home actually smelled horrible and like they could be toxic. Since then, I have only using Young Living oils.

I decided to sell these wonderful oils and essential oil enhanced products about 1 1/2 years ago mostly because I want people to know that the vast majority of what's available out there is junk and they are not safe to use. I wanted people to know there is a better option to choose from. An option that is not adding more chemicals that pollute our lovely earth and bodies.

Even if I were not selling the Young Living line, I would still be buying and using their essential oils and products.

Take a look around my blog here to get familiar with some of the many ways essential oils can be used, this is just a small sampling.

My product website will explain and show you even more ways to use pure essential oils - The Very Essence.

And as always, please feel free to contact me shoud you have any questions and wish to learn more.

~ o ~

Call of Life:
Facing the Mass Extinction

This is a preview from "Call of Life: Facing the Mass Extinction," a feature documentary now in production.

The loss of biodiversity on earth has become so acute that scientists are now calling it a "mass extinction event." The crisis has many causes, all of which are related to human activity. Through interviews with eminent biologists, psychologists, anthropologists, historians, and many others, the film not only presents the facts of the shocking decline, it also explores the ways in which culture and psychology have conspired to determine our collective and individual response to this situation, and how the latest insights into natural systems could help us turn back the tide.

The film weaves biology, psychology, and cultural history into a clear and accessible story of our changing world. The audience is taken into the depths of the human psyche, through the toughest problems of our times and into the cutting edge of what nature has to teach us. The mass extinction is quite possibly the greatest threat that humanity has ever faced. Those of us alive today have been given a choice—one last opportunity to save the diversity of our planet. The decisions we make or fail to make in the next few years will affect the habitability of earth for millennia to come. This is the greatest adventure of all time—with the future of life itself in the balance.

Species Alliance

Are Your Air Fresheners Killing You?


Who would have thought that air fresheners could be harmful? In a major longitudinal study, frequent use of air fresheners during pregnancy and early childhood was associated with higher levels of diarrhea, earache in infants and headaches, depression in mothers.

In New Scientist a 1999 study revealed that in homes where aerosol sprays and air fresheners were used, mothers experienced 25% more headaches and were 19% more likely to experience depression.


It's rare that we know what ingredients are in those air freshening products. Those products that scent everything from bathrooms, toilets, our friends homes, those stinky paper scented pine trees dangling from car rearview mirrors, and so forth. Unless we have the opportunity to read the list of ingredients we have no idea what it is that we're exposing ourselves and children to.

For some of us, our noses tell us when we are inhaling a toxic chemical and we may have symptoms of burning noses and eyes, coughing, sneezing, upset stomaches, headaches, asthmatic responses, and more. For me personally, when I go into any store or household that sells anything with toxic ingredients my sinuses and eyes burn so badly that it makes me want to protest and get the stores to stop selling those poisons to people. I actually think it should be criminal to manufacture and sell such poisonous products to uninformed innocent people. And we wonder why the health of Americans is so bad.

The main toxin in room fresheners, urinal cakes, moth balls and certain things like paints ,cleaning products, and vehicle exhaust fumes is 1,4 dichlorobenzene (1,4 DCB). A recent National Institute of Environmental Health Services (NIEHS) study published in Environmental Health Perspectives showed that among 953 adults 1,4 DCB was linked to a reduction in lung function.

Go into your cabinets and see if any of the products in your home contain 1, 4 DCB.

Labels often omit inactive or inert ingredients that make up 90% of that products volume.

About a month ago, I went into a local department store to purchase common products people buy and use daily for a presentation I was to make. This was something I haven't done in 20 years... I was horrified by what I saw in shoppers carts and in total shock by what I didn't see on the labels.

I couldn't believe how many of these products didn't even list ingredients, but did carry "warnings: do not inhale vapors. If inhaled immediately go outdoors for air." These are products manufacturers expect us to buy and use?!

Of the over 17,000 chemicals used in these products only 3 in 10 are ever tested for human safety. I wouldn't allow those products in my home if they gave me a free lifetime supply!


By using therapeutic-grade organic essential oils you will be cutting down or eliminating unwanted microbes, such as fungus, mold, pathogenic viruses and bacteria.

You will want to use a 'cold-air' diffuser with therapeutic-grade organic essential oils. You NEVER want to heat an essential oil as heat will destroy the beneficial properties. And remember, the essential oils found in the stores are 'perfume-grade', which means they can be derived from any source, synthetic-chemical fragrances, and sold very cheaply to the uninformed public. See my previous posts on essential oil quality: Intro To Therapeutic-grade Essential Oils and The Experts Agree About Essential Oil Quality and Smell Testing an Essential Oil. Never expect to get the same results with any store bought essential oil as you will get with a Young Living essential oil.


A cold air diffuser is different than other means of getting an essential oil into the air. It is electric, and nebulizes the essential oil which creates an extremely fine mist that allow the essential oil to permeate your room(s). It uses only cold air. Here is a picture of what one looks like...

Item # 3830

Diffusing essential oils in your home or office is a perfect way to help relieve tension, dispel odors, kill germs & viruses, eliminate and prevent mold, and create an atmosphere of peace and harmony, terrific Feng Shui.

The Young Living Essential Oil Diffuser is designed with an innovative air pump that disperses the oils in a micro-fine vapor so they stay suspended in the air for several hours. The diffuser disperses the oils without heating them, so they retain their therapeutic benefits. Essential oil blends that contain vegetable oils may diffuse slower than other oils.

This diffuser can be purchased at my website:
The Very Essence


These are two, among many, terrific choices that I use: Thieves Blend (item # 3423), Purification Blend (item # 3399).

Other Young Living essential oils that I enjoy diffusing are - Citrus Fresh, Lemon, Brain Power, Joy, Orange, Evergreen Essence, Sacred Mountain, and Peace & Calming.

A cold-air diffuser on a light timer so it turns on and off by itself, highly recommended. Use it in your home, office, studio, store, or any indoor place that you would want to freshen the indoor environment safely and effectively.

If I can assist you please contact me.

To you and your families good health!