Thursday, August 09, 2007

An Ode to Thieves

A few months ago, my boyfriend wrote this poem at my request. It’s about the story of the Young Living essential oil blend called Thieves.

An Ode to Thieves

A long time ago
in the days of yore
wizened thieves knew
they had the cure.
To steal from the sick
to rob the dead
to come home safe
to sleep in bed.
The days of the plague
were deadly and cruel.
The king caught word
about this tool,
he sent his horses,
he sent his men
to search every field,
hollow and glen.
The rogues were finally
caught in the act.
They were brought to the king
and shown the axe.
They had but one choice -
to die slow or fast.
The king wanted his family
to last and last.
The morbid band
began to write
about plant oils
that had the might
to render a person
both safe and chaste,
when mixed together,
on the body placed,
against sickness, disease,
and malady all.
Do you think this story
is so very tall?
History is full
of amazing things
that come to us
on wide spread wings.
This recipe today
can be found
in the Royal Archives
of London town.
This remarkable mixture
is alive today
and comes to you
in a wonderful way.
It comes as a cleaner
both safe and bold,
that cleans your rug
and gets rid of mold.
It cleans your floors
and cleans your pans.
It’s gentle enough
to clean your hands.
All this came,
if you’re willing to believe,
from a morbid band
of apothecary THIEVES!

A Poem for Evelyn Vincent by Curt Siters ©2007

Buy Thieves products from Curt or Evelyn

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